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Carlo POV

I watched as Sky and Pinto went to bed while holding hands.
"They must be tired after their big day and their bath"
"Ya true well come on let's go get something to eat" I said closing the door behind them. Caleb and I went to the kitchen.
"Hey Mcat gets out of work soon with our new pets I'm super excited"
"Ya I bet"
"Well you getter get going thanks for the food"
"No problem"
After Caleb left I went to the living room and turned on the tv. There was a human documentary on. I watched it. They seem so ignorant about all other life but theirs. Soon came the part on breeding. It showed how they breed and how many cubs females most likely will have. I found this interesting. I wonder if Sky and Pinto will breed on there own like it says they do in the wild. I finished watching the documentary when I turned of the tv I heard a strange voice coming from the pets room. I quickly got up ran to their door and opened it. I look around to see Sky crying and Pinto trying to confort her. I start walking towards them Pinto suddenly stood up in front of her to protect her from me. I took a few steps back because I didn't want Pinto to attack me. He seems very protective of her. I back up a few more steps when he goes back to conforting her. I don't know what to do because I can't get near her. I decide it's the best idea to leave them alone. I close the door to their room. I walk to my room and lay down in my bed. Ion I drifted off to sleep.

An Alian's PetTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang