It's clear he was angry. Soon as he lands on the ground, he swiftly kicks Fresh repeatedly, knocking him further away. He then scoops Fresh up and tosses him as far away as possible. He claps his hands as if he took out the garbage. I witness this entire thing. Geno walks over to me. Seeing him brings tears to my eyes. Memories come rushing through my head from my timeline, especially of me with Geno or Reaper and fam. A big reminder that my beloved timeline and family are gone. But, I had to try and hold that back. Again, it was just gonna be troublesome if anyone learned. I had to hold it in until this ends, I can grieve or let my emotions out later.

"Goth? Hello? You there? Are you okay? Goth?"Geno calls

I snap out of my thoughts. I keep a neutral face on, though the tears sit in my eyeholes. I nod. He kneels down and carefully unties me. He then tears my arms free. I reach up and tear the tape off my face.

"Are you okay, Goth? He didn't hurt you, did he?"Geno asks

"N-No. I am okay and he didn't. Apparently he made a deal with Renew to kill me or P-Palette and Ink to spare him and his world. How'd you find me or even know I was in trouble?"I reply

"Good. I would've done more if he did. That info is important and interesting. Ink called me, saying that you're missing with nothing more than a scarf. I've been in this odd place for a while now and after he called, I saw Fresh and heard him. Only took a few seconds to get the rest."Geno explains

Darkness swoops in behind Geno. I already know who it may be. Sure enough, the darkness took form as Reaper. He looks at me worriedly, but then grins. He looks at Geno.

"So protective of Goth, huh, Geno?"Reaper teases

"Hey, would you rather have everyone angry at us for not doing anything when we could've? Plus, I will not stand by and allow an alternate child of mine get mistreated!"Geno snaps

"Even if they're an alternate child of ours?"Reaper asks in genuine shock

"O-Of course! No exceptions! Besides, you're not so bad!"Geno replies, his face getting a bright red glow

"Oh really? That's nice to hear."Reaper says, putting a hand on Geno's shoulder, his face igniting a bit

"Y-Y-Yep!"Geno says

The two talk to each other sweetly, their faces bright

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The two talk to each other sweetly, their faces bright. I could see the feelings growing between them, their relationship blossoming and growing. I smile, happy to see this. Reaper then focused on the situation again.

"So, Goth, how about we get you home to your timeline? I'm sure your real versions of us are worried sick about you."Reaper suggests

That did it. That was the breaking point. I feel tears come down my face and drop at a rapid speed.

"Y-You can't..T-They...It...."I cry, stumbling on my words with a shaky voice

"What do you mean?"Reaper asks

ErrorInk:To Be Enemies Or Not To Be EnemiesWhere stories live. Discover now