Chapter 67:Silent Love

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Reaper turns and begins to come over to us. S!Reaper shuts the conversation down before S!Geno could hear. I chuckle at this. S!Geno quickly runs and hugs S!Reaper happily. S!Reaper's face ignites. S!Geno compliments S!Reaper sweetly.

"SH-Shut up, Geno! Let me go!"He snaps

"No. Just trust me. I have a feeling something is gonna go wrong. And that dude is giving me a bad vibe."S!Geno says

"What? But Reaper is nice! He's on our side!"He says

"Not him! The guy with him!"S!Geno says

S!Reaper looks at me. He is clearly confused. The sun has gone down so it's dark now.

"Did he tell you anything about getting others for help?"He asks

"No, he didn't even get into that!"I say

"Then who is with him right now?"He asks

"And looks like Nyan cat farted on him?"S!Geno asks

I quickly suspected who they were talking of.

"That may be...Fresh Sans..."I say

"Isn't he some parasite?"They ask

"Some say yes, but he really is no friend of mine."I reply

I look ahead and see a figure behind Reaper. At first they're just a silhouette,(above image), but as Reaper came closer, it became clearer that it was Fresh. And that Fresh had a knife. Reaper is clueless as always again and I shake my head. Fresh begins to raise the knife and that made me panic. S!Geno holds S!Reaper closer protectively. To them, it's unclear what Fresh may do. But I know that's he is aiming right at Reaper. He's gone after Goth and is right behind Reaper of all people after all. He clearly hasn't learned his lesson from last time he tried to attack someone I care about.

I run over quickly. Reaper looks at me and smiles. He opens his arms to me, offering a hug. As much as I would like to hug him, now is not the time. I shove him aside quickly. Out of the way or ability to get hit by Fresh he goes. I quickly kick Fresh away. He was shocked.

He stumbles back, the knife flying from his hand

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He stumbles back, the knife flying from his hand. I land on my feet and get up quickly. I clench my fists. He comes right towards me. He swings a fist but I catch it. I twist his arm and shove him away again. I throw some punches and fire some bone attacks, pinning him down. I make sure he doesn't get out somehow but put a bone cage around where he's pinned, just in case. Precautions are good protection tools.

"Stay down. You aren't hurting him, or anyone I care about, on my watch!"I snap

"But it seems in your sleep I do!"He responds

I tense.

"How...How did you know?"I ask

"Everything happens for a rad or unrad reason, Geno broseph! And you're looking at the rad reason for those nightmares right here, bud!"He says

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