Chapter 18. Takes a Ghost to Catch a Ghost

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Mega Alakazam uses Recover and regains his composer.

Alakazam use Psyshock while Gengar counters with Shadow Ball. The attack connect and them implode into nothing.

Kyla and David look at each other questioningly. 

"They must be evenly matched attacks." David shrugs.

"Lick." Joy whispers.

Gengar quickly appeared behind Alakazam and parlizies him. Then Gengar follows up with Hypnosis Putting him to sleep.

"Give it up, this is over." Joy says to the man.

The man remains silent.

"Dream Eater!" Joy orders.

Gengar uses Dream Eater and takes a major chunk of Alakazam's HP. 

Joy turns to Gengar. "Finish this with Dark Pulse."

Gengar moves into point-blank range and blasts Alakazam with Dark Pulse. Alakazam faints and reverts back to his normal form. 

Machamp walks up behind the man in black and grabs him, keeping him still while Jenny cuffs him and captures Alakazam in a Police ball.

"Gengar, search for more, quickly!" Joy orders.

"There is no one else." The man mumbles.

"Nice try kid, but our reports state there are five people in your crew." Jenny grabs his arm.

"That was an illusion Alakazam was creating." The man mumbles again.

"I don't believe you." Jenny says angerly.

Just then the trees begin to fall one after the other, in the direction of the others. Just before they reach the clearing, the trees stop falling and four other people run out, right into Machamp's arms.

Kyla and David fly in and land. 

"What was that?" Kyla asks. 

Blare walks out of the woods. "Looks like I herded them just right!"

Jenny cuffs the other four and turns to Blare. "Thank you, Blare!"

Blare smiles. "No problem, I doubt they wanted to be run over." Blare looks behind her and recalls Donphan. "Thank you." Blare whispers.

One of Jordan's staff rolls up in a Police van and they load the suspects in the back.

Before getting into the van, Jenny stops and looks at Chad. "Hurry up!" 

Chad looks surprised. "Do you have room?"

"I always have room for my officers." Jenny smiles.

"What, no thanks for me?" Joy asks, annoyed.

Jenny turns to her. "Yes, thank you. Maybe you should change professions."

Chad jumps in on a bench front seat, and Jenny gets in. They drive off to the station.

Gengar reverts back to his base form and Joy recalls him. "What now?"

"Well, since you are here, want to stick around and meet the Pokemon League?" David asks.

Joy thinks for a moment then looks at Kyla. "Are you three going to compete in the tournament?"

"Yes, we are all registered." Kyla answers.

"Then I think I will stick around to see the matches. Might be fun!" Joy says, with a grin.

"You only want to see if someone beats me." David says.

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