"no, it's a bad boy thing."

the three of them enter jolie café at exactly 12:45. they take a seat at a round table closest to the door in front of the window.

they receive slightly judgemental looks from the other customers. the other customers starts murmurs despite the fact that chantelle and liam can hear them.

"are they seriously talking about us, even though we can hear them?" chantelle whispers to liam who places milan onto the table. liam nods with a pout and looks around, he sees the waitress stalking towards them with a forced smile.

"good afternoon, what would you like to order?" she says taking out a notepad and black pen from her pouch in her black skirt covered with a dry coffee stain. liam smiles up at her and purses his lips in thought.

"uh.. a caramel macchiato and a salmon and cheese bagel." he says watching the waitress as she dots down his words. the waitress's eyes flicker to chantelle, who is trying to stop milan from eating her gold purse.

"and you miss?" she asks watching chantelle snatch the purse away from milan, who's eyes stare at the waitress.

"oh, i'll have a caramel macchiato too but with a small piece of red velvet cake." chantelle says kindly. the waitress nods and smiles as milan swings her arms around.

"she's such a cutie," the waitress, melissa, comments. milan giggles and bangs her hands on the table gaining everybody's attention. the waitress chuckles and walks away, back towards the counter.

"i'm going to the bathroom, okay?" he says giving chantelle a pointed look. she nods, slowly glancing towards milan whose sucking her fingers. "try not to kill her,"

chantelle smirks and ignores what he said. she places milan onto her lap and pretends to bite her hands, making the baby chuckle, happily. milan's giggling fades as she pulls chantelle's messy afro. she runs her fingers through her hair and blows raspberries in chantelle's face. chantelle smiles and tickles her stomach, causing her to laugh again.

"uh.. two caramel macchiato's, a bagel and red velvet cake!" the cashier shouts placing a tray on the counter. chantelle jumps and thinks about what to do with milan. she hurriedly places the baby on the ground and rushes over to get the order.

meanwhile, liam walks out of the men's bathroom and sees milan on the floor, crawling around. he gasps and rushes over to her, quickly. he grabs her and holds her in his arms, tightly. he snaps his head towards the counter where chantelle is, in disbelief.

chantelle turns around a small smile on her face but she looks up from the tray, her face falls when she sees liam's serious expression.

"why the heck was she on the flipping floor?" liam asks, angrily; trying not to use swear words in front of milan. chantelle places the tray onto the table and sighs, sadly.

"i'm sorry, i just had to collect our order." she mumbles avoiding his harsh eyes. liam places his palm on his head and closes his eyes, tightly.

"i'm just glad she didn't get hurt or even kidnapped." he whispers under his breath before stopping milan from touching chantelle's cake. milan babbles incoherent words in protest as liam forces her to sit in his lap.

"if it helps.. i'll pay for the food." chantelle says a slight smile on her glossy lips. liam chuckles, lightly.

"okay, but it won't change the fact that you left my five month old baby cousin; on the floor in a dirty café." he says biting his lip. she holds her hands up in surrender and smiles.

"i'm sorry," she says before digging into her lovely red velvet cake. liam sighs and shakes his head before sipping his drink.

milan reaches up and knocks the drink, resulting in it spilling all over the two of them. milan squeals and closes her eyes as the drink runs down her face and onto liam's trousers.

liam groans in frustration and looks up at chantelle, who is totally oblivious to their sad situation. liam clears his throat, making her eyes focus on him. he gestures to them.

"oh.." she whispers before rushing to grab some tissues from the counter. she takes milan and wipes her down. milan just sits still, as if she is embarrassed, and waits for chantelle to finish.

liam sighs and wipes himself down. he stands up, annoyed and looks down at his crotch area and sighs. chantelle's eyes flicker to him, interested and looks at what he's sighing at.

"it looks like you've just wet yourself." she comments, a smirk on her face as she takes milan into her arms. liam rolls his eyes and closes them, totally frustrated.


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