Awake and Alive

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Zane (POV)

Rage is filling me to the core. Burning my insides and scorching all hope I had left. Hatred for myself is consuming me, eating me alive. This is all my fucking fault! She's dead and it's all my fault!

“God damn it!” I scream and flip over a metal nursing cart. Three nurses jump up from there spot at the station and run over to me, grabbing me by each arm. I struggle and yank to get away from them.

“Sir, we're going to need you to calm down. They're trying to revive her. You need to stay calm or we are going to have to ask you to leave.” One of the nurses shouts.

“Or call security.” Another mumbles and grabs a hold of me tighter.

I suddenly feel to weak to stand. I fall against the wall behind me and bury my face into my hands, weeping like a little girl whose kitten just died. Every piece of my heart is breaking slowly. Aurium is dead and it's my fault. It's my fault.

Footsteps begin running down the hall and I open my eyes to see Kristina running to me, Aurium's dad Johnathan holding Shawn close behind her, and Chloe behind him. She plops down on the floor next to me and pulls me into her arms. Hugging me tightly and kissing my forehead.

“What happened Zane?” She whispers quietly.

I sob and she pulls me closer, “Auri- Auri- Aurium fla- flat line- lined. She's- she's- dead.”

Kristina gasps and pulls me closer, shaking her head. “Did the doctors tell you that they couldn't bring her back?”

I wipe my eyes and look up at her, she is giving me a questioning look. “Well, no.” I mumble quietly.

Kristina nods her head and then makes me face her, “Well then how do you know she's really dead? Damn it Zane, what did I tell you about going after her? Now you get your crying ass up, march yourself down that hall, and go see what's going on with your woman and your baby.”

I look at her for a second before nodding and getting up off of the floor. She has a point. I don't know if they brought her back or not. They had to have brought her back or I will surely die. Not before killing Amanda though.

There is a large doctor standing in the doorway when I walk up to the room Aurium is in. I can't see past him, he has to be at least six foot eight inches. Huge! The doctor turns around and gives me a once over and then a sympathetic smile, which can never be good. He moves to the side so I can pass him and enter the room. There is a heartbeat on the monitor, telling me they brought her back. Aurium is alive.

“Are you her boyfriend?” The blonde female doctor asks as I step forward to be closer to they bed Aurium is lying in.

“Yeah.” I nod and give her a once over before turning my attention back to Aurium.

“She had a seizure which stopped her heart temporarily. She's fine now, but she's still not awake. As far as her waking up goes, we still don't know when she'll wake up, or the state she will be in when she does wake up.” The doctor says in a sad tone. Then takes my hand. “In the darkest of times we find hope in the smallest of people.” And with that she leaves the room.

Within seconds of her leaving Kristina, Johnathan holding Shawn, and Chloe come in the room. Chloe's eyes grow wide and she runs to Aurium's side and begins tugging on her arm.

“Awie! Wake up Awie!” She shouts and Aurium doesn't respond. Kristina scoops Chloe up and whispers something to her, then takes her out of the hospital room. Chloe doesn't understand what's going on, and I'm sort of glad she doesn't. That would be even harder on me, and on her.

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