Playing With You

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A/N took me a little while to figure out what to write... I have no clue whether this is goo or not. [Song: I'm Not The One by 3OH!3]

Aurium (POV)

Shawn is crying from down the hall. It's not a shrill screaming cry its more of a soft I want my mommy kind of cry. He seems to know when I'm upset because every time I start to cry Shawn cries too.

I get up out of my bed and walk down the hall to be with him. My eyes are red and puffy from crying and there are tear stains all down my cheeks.

I can't help but feel like shit after all that. I never thought I would see Zane again. Not in a million years would I ever have imagined him living in my house, thanks to none other than my own father. I can't blame my dad. He didn't know who he was agreeing to let move in. My dad knows that when I was in eighth grade I had my heart broken, but that’s all he knows.

Zane didn't know this was my house. I never brought him home. He took me to his house at least a dozen times but I never brought him home.

The first time I went to Zane's house I knew that he had it rough. There were beer bottles lining the kitchen counter and the house had a strange chemical smell to it. When he opened the refrigerator to get us two cans of Pepsi there was a zip lock baggie full of white powder.

When I asked him what it was all he could manage to say was,

“My moms bad habits.”

Then he automatically took me back to his room and away from the war zone in the rest of the house. His mom was arguing with some guy in jeans and a wife beater. He looked like a real winner, folks!

Zane kept apologizing for what was going on out there but I told him it wasn't his fault and it didn't bother me.

We only ever went back to his house when he knew his mom wasn't there after that day. We were together everyday though. It's almost like we were glued together.

Ugh, why did he have to come back into my life! I haven't thought about this shit in four years.

Shawn seems hungry when I pick him up. I cradle him in my arms and walk halfway down the stairs, making sure to look around before I go down there completely.

I honestly don't want Zane to see my red puffy eyes and know that I have been crying. Knowing him he would probably take it as score one for his team. I really do not like him being here.

When I get in the kitchen I pop the bottle in the microwave and warm it for Shawn. He's pulling at my hair, playing with it. I make a silly face at him and he smiles a cheeky grin. I kiss each of his cheeks and then rock him in my arms a little.

“You are really good with him.”

I hold Shawn tightly and spin on my heals quickly. Obviously startled by being walked up on.

“Shit Zane, do not sneak up on me like that. Ever!” I yelp. Shawn giggles from the sudden motion.

“Sorry.” Zane says holding both hands up in surrender with a smirk on his face. Once he takes a good look at me his smirk fades and his expression softens. “Have you been crying?”

“No.” I turn my head, looking away so he can't see my face.

Zane takes a few steps forward and grabs my face gently making me look at him, “You are a terrible lair.”

If you only knew. “Just leave me alone.” I turn around to grab the bottle out of the microwave but he beats me to it.

“Here.” Zane says and slowly hands me the bottle. His face is a mixture of emotions. Sadness, guilt, and is that remorse?

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