Third Base In First Period

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A/N I love this chapter. I'm not sure why but i just do. Comment please :) oh and vote! [Song: Good Girls Bad Guys by Falling In Reverse]

Aurium (POV)

“Hey sleepy pants would you wake up. You've got thirty minutes until you have to leave for school.” the squeaky voice hummed as I twist under my thick purple comforter. I don't want to open my eyes.

“But Shawn kept me up until two a.m. And now I’m sleepy.” I complain in a childish voice but open one eye to see Kristina standing there in a pair of shorts and a tank top.

“Well that's not my fault, and you need to get your butt in the shower.” Kristina laughs and pulls me out of bed by my arm “W-Why are you naked?”

“I am not naked! I'm in a bra and boy shorts!” I exclaim.

“Auri, I can see through them. Miss I love lacy things. You might as well be naked!” Kristina giggles and shoves my shoulder slightly.

“Oh shut up.” I laugh and move towards my dresser “It's not like you have never seen me naked.”

Okay, that is really not how it sounds. Kristina has been here for me since Shawn was born. My dad is really close friends with Kristina's mom. So when my dad spilled all the beans, not to my liking, Kristina's mom volunteered Kris to help out since she was home schooled and had nothing else to do.

Of course when Kristina heard what was going on not only was she excited about helping she also swore not to tell a soul about what was going on with me. Her mom did the same. Bringing the total of people who know my business to three, and I'm okay with that number.

Shawn is my business. No one else.

I skip the shower because I took one at two a.m. After Shawn finally crashed.

Quickly, I slip on a tight black tank top that hugs my slender frame and outlines my breasts perfectly. My skin looks ghostly compared to this black tank top. I've always had skin the color of fine china but since I've kept myself locked up for a little over a year I'm sort of missing the shine the sun gives my skin.

“Kris will you reach in my closet and hand me my dark blue ripped skinny jeans? They still have a Hot Topic tag attached to them.” I ask and locate my black Converse on the other side of the room. I lunge for them and as I grab a hold of them Kristina throws my pants at my head. I duck and send her a glare. She smirks and wiggles her fingers at me. I pull my pants on and slip my shoes on.

A shrill whine coming from Shawn's room blares in the hall. Great, he's awake already. I hoped he would get more than five hours of sleep. I'm sure after I leave Kristina will have him asleep again in no time.

Shawn's room is a light blue color and you could fit an easy dozen cribs inside. I stride slowly over to the crib. As soon as I entered the room his whining and crying ceased and turned into whimpering.

Looking down into the crib I see his damp face and snotty nose. I pick a tissue up off the night stand next to the crib. Once Shawn sees me he wiggles his head around and makes a laughing noise.

“Hey baby boy.” A gleaming smile radiates from my face. I clean off his cheeks and wipe his little button nose.

Lifting him out of the crib and holding his tightly in my arms I kiss the top of his head and sniff his hair. The soft auburn hair on his head smells like Johnson&Johnson baby shampoo and his own personal smell. He smells great and I love it.

I rub his back slowly as I make my way down the stairs and towards the kitchen. I hum the melody to twinkle twinkle little star and he wiggles around slightly.

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