Best Worst Night

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Aurium (POV)

Zane was so sweet earlier. He acted like I was the most beautiful woman in the world, which was far from the truth. I'm sure he has been with girls way prettier than I. Zane and I just have a connection. We love each other more than I can explain. More than anyone could explain. I touch his hand and butterflies stir in my stomach. Our eyes meet and I fall in love all over again. What we have is something special, something unique, something one of a kind.

He still hasn't told me where we're going or what it is we will be doing. It doesn't really matter where we go, at this point my night has already been made. Anything could happen now and it wouldn't kill my mood. I'm just happy to be out with him, together.

The road passes by in a blur as I stair out the window thinking about everything that has gone right lately. My life feels complete for once. I don't feel like anything is missing. Yet, parts of me are still broken.

I used to think the pain would never go away, and I was right. After experiencing what I experienced ; the fear, terror, and trauma, the pain never goes away completely. It gets better with time, and with love and support. But I wake up every day reminded of what that man did to me. Nightmares with his face plastered all throughout them still haunt me in the night.

That's one of the biggest reasons I don't sleep at night. Why I am always tired, and why I am a restless sleeper. My demons from the past haunt me, making me relive my nightmare daily.

Zane pulls over into a parking zone on the side of the street, by the side walk. Each of us step out of the car. I am greeted by his heavenly smell and his loving touch. He takes my hand in his and holds it tight. Caressing mine with his thumb.

I smile to myself and bite my bottom lip. He makes me so happy. It's the sweet little things he does that make me turn crimson. Some of the things he's done have made me jump around my room singing like a lovestruck little girl.

We walk in silence for the first half of the block. Well, physical silence. Zane and I tend to talk with our eyes. I con tell him exactly how I feel with one look and he can do the exact same. It's adorable really. But I really want to break the silence.

I decide not to though, because if I do I will most likely kill the mood and ruin the surprise. If I open my mouth now I'll be demanding (begging) that he tell me where it is he's taking me. The suspense is killing me.

“We're here.” Zane squeezes my hand a little tighter and knocks on a metal door in the middle of the huge brick wall.

'Wow, doesn't this look like something out of a gangster mob movie! If I new he was going to bring me to meet Al Capone I would have worn something a little more snazzy.' I laughed at my own thoughts.

“What's so funny?” Zane asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

“Nothing.” I shake my head and smile brightly in the direction we are going.

There are seven men with fire sticks, tossing them around at each other. Everyone was standing or sitting around, drinking, and watching the show. I watched in awe at the scene playing out in front of me. The flames are dancing wildly and the guys have thick gloves on so they can grab the fire. One of the men waves a stick at Zane and he waves back, then holds up his index finger telling the guy to hold on for a second.

I am instantly confused. What was the guy waiting for, and what was Zane's big idea?

“Sit here, drink this, and have fun babe.” Zane winks. Then walks in the opposite direction heading back towards the man with the fire stick.

I sit here for a few minutes wondering what is going on. Everyone is beginning to take a seat at a table or in the bleachers behind the tables. All the tables are reserved, which means Zane really went out of his way for this. I feel so special! Zane knows I'm a huge pyromaniac, so this is right up my ally.

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