Dreaming Reality

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A/N Hey! I love this chapter. I hope it clears some things up between Aurium and Zane  that haven't really been talked about in the story. [Song: With Ears To See and Eyes To Hear by Sleeping With Sirens]

Aurium (POV)

I stop into my room and begin to slam my bedroom door, but then I realize that I really don't want to wake Shawn up. So I leap to the door and prevent it from slamming.

My bed is bare. I left my comforter downstairs with Zane on the couch. So I pull another blanket out of the shelf in my closet. I'm not going to sit down there and deal with that dickhead.

When did he turn into such an asshole? He used to always make sexual perverted jokes but never anything like that.

It used to only be little things like “that's what she said” and “hold my dick.” You know, stupid shit like that. He never joked around about having sex or asked anyone how many people they've fucked.

Then again, it has been four years sense the last time I saw him. A lot of things can change in four years. So many different things.


My heart is pounding hard, I can feel it in my ears. I feel like I’m about to hyperventilate.

“You're sentenced to a year, Mr. Waller. Maybe you will learn your lesson this time.” The judge sitting at the front of the room says.

What? Did he really just say that? A year? No, that can't happen. It's not possible.

The bailiff grabs Zane by the arm and pulls him out the door. I have no idea where their taking him so I follow immediately.

They are at least thirteen feet ahead of me so I jog to catch up.

“Zane!” I shout and he spins around instantly pulling out of the bailiffs grasp and jogs to meet me the rest of the way.

I am instantly wrapped in his firm arms and I begin to cry.

“Shh,” Zane says and runs his hand over my still auburn hair.

Zane's face is like stone and he is showing no emotion. I pull myself out of his arms slightly ans I pull his face to mine. Kissing him softly on the lips. He doesn't kiss me back.

“I love you.” I whisper. The bailiff is standing by with compassion in his eyes. This is probably considered special treatment. I can't picture this little ordeal being allowed.

“Go home Aurium.” Zane says with a hard expression.

“No. I'll come to the jail and wait with you while they book you. Then I'll come and visit you everyday.” I say slowly and wipe the tears out of my eyes.

“I don't want you to.” Zane says coldly.

“What? Baby, why?” I ask taken aback by his statement.

“I don't want you to come and visit me. I don't want you. This relationship has come to an end. We're done Aurium.” Zane says looking past me and never into my eyes.

“Don't do this Zane.” I cry.

“Leave Aurium! Go home.” Zane demands then turns and walks back to the bailiff.

I walk home tears staining my cheeks and my heart breaking in my chest.

“If it feels like this then I'll never love again.”


I wake up with a tear stained pillow and a burning in my throat. My heart aches all over again and I want to curl up into a ball and die.

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