New Place To Stay

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Zane (POV)

It's a Friday morning and I should be at school right now, but instead of learning and earning a diploma what am I doing? I am looking for a new place to live, and there is nothing reasonable out there.

None of the hotels are willing to do monthly plans for a teenager, renting a house is to expensive, even renting a room is too expensive. I make ten bucks an hour fixing cars that is three hundred and fifty a week. All the houses are almost a 1200 a month and rooms are close to eight hundred. Let's face it, I make 1400 dollars a month and with the price of gas, food, and clothes I can't afford any of that.

I am so screwed.

I walk up to the convenience store to see a man in a suit putting a flier up in the window. The flier said cheep room under special circumstances.

Special circumstances. What kind of circumstances?

Well if it's a cheep room it's a cheep room “Excuse me, Sir?” I shout to the man who has just put the flier up in the window.

“Yes? Can I help you?” The man in his forties turns around, responding to my call. I look at him for a second.

This guy is really clean cut. Nice steel gray suit. Neat cut light brown hair. A clean shave. He looks like one of the people that usually would not even give me the time of day let alone let me rent a room from them. The outlook for this is grim but it is worth a shot I guess.

“I figured I would get to you first before anyone else could respond to your flier. I am in a tight spot and need to find a new place to live before tomorrow night.” I explain.

“Well. That certainly was fast. Would you like to come see the room and we can have the interview at the house?” The man asks.

“Yes, Sir. That would be great.” I walk to the car he is standing at. It's a 2012 Prius. Wow that's manly.

“Well get in son, we don't have all day.” The man laughs and I open the passenger door and sit in his car.

Remember when we were younger and our parents told us to never get in the car with strangers? Well, that was not the case with my mother. She would gladly put me in a car with a stranger who just happened to be going to the store and had to pass by the house going there and back.

At six years old she sent me to Cumberland Farms with a twenty dollar bill in the back of a strangers pick up truck. Lucky for me he wasn't a ChilMoe or something like that. He brought me to the store walked around with me, doing his shopping and showing me were the items I needed were, and then he brought me home. That happened several more times when I was a child.

Lets just say I did not have the safest childhood or the best mother.

The Prius pulls into the driveway of a two story house. This place looks like something out of a Better Homes and Gardens magazine. It's outrageous. There are flower plants everywhere and the lawn is well manicured.

Cheep room, special circumstances. This guy better not be looking for a fuck buddy because I don't roll that way! Don't get me wrong I have had good friends who were gay but after a year in the slammer and worrying about dropping the soap, I know I am not gay.

After the business looking man steps out of the car and heads towards the front door I follow quick behind. The inside of the house I nicely decorated but simple at the same time. I like it. I could live here without complaint.

Yeah scratch that, I would kill to live here!

He walks me to a bar stool at the bar in the kitchen. I sit when he gestures for me to do so with his hand.

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