A Moment Alone

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 A/N So I am about to get to all the really good stuff here in the next few chapters.Hope you like. Comment & Vote! :) Oh, and if you want a chapter dedicated to you just comment  and let me know :D <3 [Song: Good Things by The Dangerous Summer]

Aurium (POV)

Second period rolls around and I walk into the room and everyone goes silent. I look around at the class and they are all smiling. They're just happy to see me and have me back. Everyone has been acting this way since Thursday when I first showed up.

It's kind of creepy really. The thought of being stared at annoys me slightly. One thing I hate, people with a staring problem. It's just weird.

The regular teacher, Mr. Ross, isn't here instead there is a young substitute sitting in his seat, with his feet propped up on the Mr' Ross's desk, reading a magazine. I guess this means we aren't doing anything today. We never do anything when there is a substitute. All substitutes are pushovers, then again so are most of the teachers but that's nothing new.

Deandre strides into the room with no pass, but the sub doesn't even look at him twice. He doesn't give a rats ass that his room has just become the skipping room.

“Hey Crackhead.” Deandre laughs and pulls a chair up to my desk.

“Hey, token black guy!” I laugh too.

“So what's the deal. There are a couple of rumors going around?” Deandre questions.

“Rumors? What kind of rumors?” I gasp. Oh shit, they know!

“A couple of people saw you yesterday with Zane at Walmart. They all think you guys are an item again.” Deandre explains “And since when is he back around here? Last time I saw him he was working down at Grease Monkeys fixing cars.”

“We are not a couple! Nothing is going on with Zane and I and nothing is ever going to happen with Zane and I ever again!” I accidentally shout, not meaning to at all. Everyone in the room looks at me again. Only this time they are giving me questioning looks. I wave my hand dismissing all of there looks when Deandre begins to talk again.

“Okay. That question's answered. When did he get back?” Deandre asks curiously.

“The same day I did apparently. Oh and get this, he got kicked out of the hotel he was staying in, so guess who's dad, not knowing who he was, decided to let him rent the downstairs guest bedroom. Come on guess.” I raise both eyebrows and bite both my lips together.

“He didn't.” Deandre's eyes are nearly bulging out of his head.

“Oh, but he did.” I glare. Not at Deandre but to Deandre.

“That's rich. So he's living with you, at your house?” he asks.

“Yep. Living in my house, being a pain in my ass. You know, the usual.” I shrug, really wanting to get off the subject of Zane.

I still feel bad about what happened this morning. It was wrong of me to accuse him of popping pills. I should have known he wouldn't do something like that. He's right, I saw what his mom's habits did to him. They tore him up inside. No wonder he reacted the way he did when I accused him of taing something other than aspirin this morning.

“True shit babe. Well if he ever pisses you off and he needs an ass beating you can call or text me. I'll do it for you. You still have my number right?” A smirk is spread across Deandre's face.

“Yeah, I still have your number.” I laugh “You have always said that though, and how many times have I ever taken you up on that offer?”

Deandre has to think about it for a second, “Never.”

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