Half Way There

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Zane (POV)

“Baby! Oh my god Aurium!” I cry as the paramedics surround her. Blood is covering the entire right side of her head while she lies there on the asphalt crumpled, broken, and bleeding.

I look behind me and see the police trying to restrain Amanda. A man tackled her to the ground after she shoved Aurium right into on coming traffic. Amanda is yanking against the offecers, but when her and I lock eyes she gives me an I-told-you-this-was-going-to-happen sort of look. Rage fills my body and I storm over to where all the police are.

“You cold, heartless, evil, fucking whore!” I scream at the top of my lungs causing all the talking and struggle to cease.

“If I can't have you no one can.” Amanda growls.

I laugh completely emotionless, “You stupid bitch, she had me first! She always had me!”

Amanda's face grows hard and she is about to say something when one of the paramedics shouts over to me, “Sir, we're taking her to East Ridge Hospital, are you coming?”

Without even a second glance Amanda's way I run over to the ambulance, and hop inside. The two paramedics are hustling around the small inclosed space and I sit on the bench next to a lifeless Aurium. The monitors say different but she looks gone.

“Baby, you have to be okay. You're going to be okay.” I begin to cry. That's probably the least manly thing I could possibly do but I love her, and there she is. Lying on a stretcher looking like a corpse.

I should have done more. The text messages should have all the warning I needed. That crazy bitch pushed me out of a window for fucks sake! I should have know she wouldn't hesitate to hurt Aurium. Now I'm sitting here in the back of an ambulance holding the cold bloody hand of the love of my life, and there is nothing I can do to help her.

There is no rise to her chest, and her normally porcelain skin is taking on a sickly color. She's getting worse and this whole ordeal is my fault. All of this is my fault! I should have warned her. I shouldn't have just sat quiet while those texts just came rolling in. I shouldn't have let her get away from me.

My head snaps up at the sound of a rapid beeping sound coming from the monitor. Her heart rate is getting faster and faster, until, flat line. I go to jump up from my spot on the bench but am pushed back down by the wrestler looking parimedic.

“Up the voltage! Hands off the girl! Three, two, one, and clear!” The paramedic shocks Aurium and my breath catches in my throat. Flat line. “Three, two, one and clear!” Aurium's body is shocked again.

Her heart rate picks back up and I let out a sigh of relief. She still looks awful, but she's alive and that is better than nothing. I need her. She has to fight. I take her hand in mine and stroke it softly. Whispering into her palm, “Baby, I love you. Please don't leave me. I need you. Shawn needs you. Kristina needs you. Your dad need's you. We all need you baby. You have to stay strong. For us, for you. Please.”

The ambulance comes to a halt and the back doors fly open. Aurium's stretcher is pushed through the emergency room doors with me following closely behind. A swarm of doctors and nurses surrounds her, pushing me out of the way. I try to see around them but it's nearly imposible.

“Stats?” A bald doctor asks the paramedic.

“We think she has swelling on the brain, and she appears to be going into shock. Her left foot appears to be broken, and abrasions along with contusions covering her back and side.” The smaller of the two paramedics explains.

The bald doctor looks at the blonde woman doctor, “Prep the O.R. We are going to need to get her inside to stop the swelling, and we need to do it now!”

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