Chapter 12- Leaving Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

"You should head inside; you wouldn't want to miss dinner" something was going on, I was sure of that. But, I nodded and headed back towards to stairs; Hermione, Ron and Harry following behind me.

"Eb what are you doing?" I looked at Harry as we made our way down the stairs,

"Some things wrong, I think some things going to happen tonight on the astronomy tower and Dumbledore doesn't want us to see it" I saw a ledge that would just manage to squeeze the four of us on; but it would keep us out of sight. I quickly climbed up on it; the other three following suit.

"I saw something on his hand, it was Almost as if his flesh was rotting; he hid it from you guys but he didn't have time to hide it from me." They all looked at me; worried,

"I have a bad feeling about this" then, we heard footsteps coming; we stopped talking and watched as Draco ran by...wait...Draco? I cranked my head and watched him walk up to Dumbledore; taking out his wand and pointing it at him.

I covered my mouth to cover a gasp as I watched the scene unfold.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy, what brings you up here?" turning around Dumbledore gives him a smile; not even flinching at the wand pointed at him.

"Take out your wand" Dumbledore took his wand out from his pocket but didn't raise it up,

"Malfoy you don't need to get involved-"

"Shut up!" I noticed that he was shaking now; struggling to keep his wand raised.

"You don't understand; I have to do this; I had to become one of them. Or else he'll kill them" Draco pulled up his sleeve and showed off the Dark mark to him; my eyes widened as my fear came true. Harry has been trying to tell me this for moths but I refused to believe him. I watched as Draco struggled not to cry; Dumbledore frowned at him a little.

"Besides it's too late; I already opened the portal; they should be here any second" right as he said that we heard more steps of feet coming from up the stairs; I quickly brought my head back before they could see me. We watched at a bunch of death eaters ran by us; including Draco's parents, Bellatrix, and Fernier Greyback.

Snape went by too but stopped when he managed to see us; he put a finger to his lips and continued his way up the stairs.

"Good job Draco; now kill him!"

"Patience Bella he will" I watched as his parents stepped forward as his father put a steady hand on his shoulder. By now, Draco was shaking ever more.

"Do it Draco" Snape was now standing behind him as Draco's father told him what to do.

Draco raised his arm higher but he couldn't utter a single spell; I was worried for him when the other death eaters began to frown.

"Expelliarmus" Dumbledore's wand flew from his hand and off of the tower; now he was completely vulnerable but...Dumbledore was smiling?

"Draco what are you doing? Quit stalling!"

"Yeah Draco kill him!" my eyes widened once more; he had to kill him? He's not even 18 yet! Draco kept his arm in the air but still; not spell left his lips. I knew he couldn't do it; whatever he got sucked into was because of his parents and Voldemort. I was scared for him; the other followers were getting impatient.

Dumbledore took a step forward,

"Malfoy you have a choice, pick the right one-" Snape stepped forward and waved his wand; muttering the killings curse towards him. A flash of green light zoomed towards Dumbledore and hit him in the chest. The rest felt like it was in slo-motion. His eyes locked on us for a moment and smiled towards us before he leaned back and fell off of the tower. I felt someone shift and turned around; only to grab Harry before he could run out in front of everyone. The death eaters began to laugh and point downwards at Dumbledore who we couldn't see before they all ran back down the stairs; probably going to cause some havoc.

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