Fourteen: Alley

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Note: If you've read Chapter 13 before I published this chapter (14), please do me a favor and go back to the last page of Chapter 13. I added some stuff there for the beginning of this chapter to make some sense. Thank you and enjoy!!! (=


"Let's take a break," I said to the band as I exited the studio through the back door and into an empty alley. I hadn't stopped thinking about her. I checked my phone for any new notifications.


A sunken feeling consumed me. I felt defeated.

I wanted to hear from her. I wanted to hear her voice. I unlocked my phone and opened my contact list. Ally was one of the first to appear. I pressed on her name and two options appeared.

Send Message

I pressed call.

Then, the cowardness in me immediately hit the end button before it even rang. What if she was busy. What if she didn't want to talk to me. Maybe that was the reason why she never responded. Fuck. Maybe I should just text her first to spare myself from all of these mindless what-ifs.

Me (4:47 pm): Can I call you?

Ally (4:48 pm): Sure...

Within seconds, my phone was glued to my ear.

Trrrt. Trrrt.

"Hello," Ally answered.

"Hey," I said. Finally. My ears were filled by her angelic voice. It was soft and calming. I relaxed as I leaned against the brick wall of the building. I finally noticed the sun attempting to beamed its rays in between the surrounding buildings. I inhaled the crisp air that was slowly drying the sweat that tickled my head and neck. Chills ran throughout my body. Small bumps appeared on my arm as my hair erected in response to the cold. Or was it excitement?

"Hi," she replied back with a playful tone in her voice.

I chuckled.

"What's going on?"

"I just wanted to hear your voice," I confessed.

"Is this what you were expecting?" She asked.

"Better. It's so much sweeter than I expected."

"Ha. You're full of shit. How often do you use this line?" She chuckled on the other line.

I was taken aback by her response. She was playful and it was adorable. Just what I needed.

"Just once today. I might have to use it again tomorrow, who knows?"

"Ah! Okay, I'm done. Bye," she said with no remorse.

"No. No, wait! I was kidding!" I said, freaking out. What the hell was she doing to me?

Silence filled the line.

"Hello?" I said like a lost child. I expected a response but I was greeted with more silence until a sudden burst of laughter echoed in my ears.

"You're so easy," she teased through her laughter.

"Oh, yeah? Let's see about that."

"Is that a challenge?"

"You're the challenge." Shit. Why did I say that out loud?

"Excuse me?" She sounded like she was in an attack-mode.

"I challenge myself to make you fall in love with me." I blurted. Where the fuck did this come from?

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