We decided to go for one of the one's near the front of the train, Pansy said that they would've usually sat at the very front where all the Slytherins went because it was an open area so we had more space. But, we didn't really want to talk to anyone else and this compartment should fit Draco and Blaise so we'll be fine.

Oh and if you're wondering about Crabbe and Goyle? Well they had already told us that their parents weren't going to let them in this year or next year so we don't have to deal with them for the rest of our school years.

I don't mean to be rude but I didn't really like Crabbe and Goyle, they never talked to any of us; they were only with us because Draco would've bullied them otherwise.

Pansy didn't like them either, apparently they've been 'bimbos' (according to Pansy) since 1st year. They even tried hitting on her once in Potions when they were pared up in three's. She didn't tell me the details on what she said to them or what she did but they haven't bugged her since so she did something that stuck in their brains.

"What are you thinking about?" I sighed, watching as she sat down across from me. She closed the compartment door so that no one interrupted us.

"I'm thinking about the guys, Crabbe and Goyle. I don't mean to be rude but I'm kind of glad we don't have to deal with them for the next the two years" she smiled and chuckled at my response.

"I know what you mean, I never liked those two; I think it's stupid that Draco thought it would've been a good idea to have those two as his 'body guards' he didn't call them that but I knew that's what they were for. For once I agree with what Potter says about them" my mouth dropped,

"I'm sorry what was that? Did you just say that you agreed with what Harry says? As in the chosen one? The boy who lived? The Gryffindor? I need to write this one in my journal before I forget" she smacked my knee as I laughed,

"I'm just joking, I just can't believe you said that" she rolled her eyes at me,

"Yeah, yean whatever just don't get used to it" I smiled,

"I bet if Draco was here you wouldn't have said that" this time she smacked me only harder on the knee as I cradled it. she glared at me and I smiled innocently; she's still trying to get over her crush on Draco (she says she's over him but what she doesn't know is how much she actually talks in her sleep) and I know it isn't going to be that easy; I mean she's liked this guys since first year so I don't think it's going to takes couple of months to completely get over him. Especially when you see him all the time; I mean I know I say that I'm over George but I know I'm not yet; but it's a bit easier for me since he graduated. I just need to avoid him for the rest of my life.

"Pansy you don't have to hide it from me; I know you're not over him yet" she frowned and looked away as I grabbed her hand,

"Trust me, I know how it feels Pans; and it's going to hurt for a bit but if this is really how you feel than you will eventually get over him" her frown deepened and I already knew deep down that she didn't want to give up on him; but she's been waiting for so long she just doesn't want to listen to what her heart is saying anymore.

"It's just so hard" I watched as a tear feel from her eye; I frowned; not liking this side of her as I got up and sat beside her.

"Can I tell you a secret?" she looks up at me and nods,

"I don't want to give up on George" her eyes widened slightly, "I know he hurt me, and it's almost unforgivable but there's just something about him that keeps me drawn, keeps me wanting to come back. And I know you feel the same way about Draco, so I feel like we can help each other, keep each other from falling or getting hurt. Because right now I know that you're hurting, because I'm feeling the exact same way" she hugged me and we stayed like that for a bit, I could hear her sniffling which made some tears fall from my eyes. I guess I never realized how much I was holding in and trying to deal with myself until I told her; it felt good telling someone something that I was secretly trying to deny myself till now. I heard the sound of something sliding the compartment doors open and turned; seeing Blaise and Draco walking inside. They stopped talking when they saw us both with tears falling from our faces.

"Oh my god, are you guys okay?" Blaise sat down beside me and Draco sat down beside Pansy as we both nodded,

"Yeah we're fine"

"Why are you guys crying then if you're both fine?" Pansy looked at me in a panic; not knowing what to say.

"You wouldn't understand...girl problems" Draco cringed as he shuttered a bit,

"Girls" Blaise didn't seem convinced but I gave him a look that said 'seriously don't worry about it' and he nodded and looked away; starting up a conversation with Draco again. I looked over at Pansy and she smiled and nodded at me in thanks; I winked at her before going turning and listening into what Draco and Blaise were talking about.

I wasn't sure how this school year was going to go, all that matters is that the four of us stick together.

Hopefully this year will work out better than last year though.

Opposites Attract-George Weasley Love Story *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now