Chapter 13- Assumptions can Hurt People

Start from the beginning

"No, I don't want anyone getting hurt for me" I once again rolled my eyes,

"Harry we're not going to be fighting for you; we're going to be fighting for our freedom; fighting for a way for him and his followers to disappear forever" harry sighed,

"You're going to see some of us fall Harry; but it isn't going to be for your sake"

It went silent after that; I don't know if I went too far but I was just trying to spread the truth; Harry isn't going to be able to stop anyone who wants to fight in order to be free. That'll just make them want to fight even more.

"So is it true with what happened to Sirius or was that part just a dream?" the three of us sucked in a breath and looked at each other before our eyes were back on Harry; how were we supposed to tell him that none of it was a dream?

I guess he took our expressions as his answers as he put his face in his hands; I heard him sniffle and I immediately put my arms around him as he silently cried. I leaned my head on his shoulder as his arms wound up around me; I knew he needed some sort of support and he was my friend; I hated seeing him like this.

But who would've thought that someone was watching us and had the wrong impression.


"So tell me again why Exams are cancelled?" I rolled my eyes at Harry,

"Because of what happened at the Ministry of Magic; and with Umbridge being gone there's no one here to actually give them out" we both chuckled when I saw Pansy,Draco, and Blaise walking down the hall; my eyes brightened and I told Harry that I would see him later.

"Guys!" they turned and smiled once they saw me; I hugged them all once I reached them.

"So is it true with what happened at the Ministry?" I smiled sadly and nodded,

"Yeah it was horrible; I've never seen harry so upset before" I turn towards Harry who was walking the other way and frowned,

"Well I don't blame him; that was his last family member who was alive that he actually got along with" I nodded along with Blaise; agreeing with him.

"That's true, maybe I should stay with him for a bit; do you guys mind?" they smiled and shook their heads,

"So see Potter; we'll see you later at dinner" I smiled and hugged them goodbye; glad that they were accepting my friendship with Harry.

"Harry wait up!" it felt like Déjà vu because I just did this with Draco, Pansy and Blaise. He stopped and looked at me weird,

"I thought you were hanging with Parkinson, Malfoy and Zambini?" I shook my head and locked my arm around his.

"I realized that my friend needed someone for now" he smiled at me before I began to skip; he quirked a brow at me.

"What are you doing?"

"Skipping! Come on you can't not smile whenever you skip!" he chuckled and began to skip with me; I giggled as we skipped down the hall; turning a corner we saw Fred and George talking. We should probably talk to them before they leave; they do graduate this year.

"Hey guys!" they looked over at me and I smiled and waved; but didn't receive a reply; weird. They just stared at me blankly before turning back to their conversation. I looked at Harry who just shrugged at me. We stopped in front of them and I let go of Harry's arm; poking both boys.

"Hey are you guys excited for graduation?"

"Yes" George replied with no emotion; it struck me as weird because he's never not happy.

"Okay...what do you plan on doing this summer? Working on the joke shop?" they both nodded; not even looking in my direction this time.

"Mhmm" I took a side glace towards Harry who also seemed confused by their sudden change of attitude.

" everything okay?" finally George looked at me but his eyes burned with hatred; I actually took a step back with how intense his stare was.

"Yes everything is fine; peachy actually; but if you don't mind Fred and I are trying to have a conversation here so why don't you and your boyfriend run along and stop bothering us!" I took another step back and looked at him confused,

"Boyfriend? George I have no idea what you're talking about-" he rolled his eyes,

"I don't have time for this bullshit" I watched as he walked away; then my eyes turned to Fred's who showed more disappointment than he did anger.

"Why are you lying?" I stuttered,

"What? I-I don't even know what you're talking about, what boyfriend?" he rolled his eyes,

"Don't try to lie to me Ebony, we saw you with Harry at the hospital wing"

"Mate it isn't what you think-" Fred held up a hand to Harry who shut his mouth,

"Harry you knew how much Ebony meant to George how could you?" he opened up his mouth but he just shook his head,

"You two are not welcome in our shop; I don't want him seeing you two; it would break him" and with that he walked away; most likely looking for George. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned towards Harry with a frown on my face; he wiped away a tear that was falling on my cheek as I quickly wiped away the rest of them.

"I'm really sorry Eb, I know how much George meant to you" I scoffed,

"I don't know what you're talking about" he gave me a looked and I stared for a second before sighing.

"Alright whatever, it doesn't matter anyway-"

"Well we just have to make them listen to us so that-" I shook my head,

"If George really liked me if he really trusted me than he would've listened to what he had to say so I'm not going to play this game anymore; he's graduating and I'm not going to see him again; and right now I'm fine with that; happy even" he frowned at me,

"But Eb-" I shook my head once more,

"I don't care, I'm done with him; he wants to think that I'm dating? Fine, that's his problem not mine. Obviously this means that we aren't meant to be; I'm just happy that I found out before we dated; if we ever dated" he sighed; knowing that he won't be able to change my mind and nodded,

"Whatever makes you happy Eb" I smiled and wrapped my arm around him in a hug,

"Thanks Harry" I was happy that he understood but deep down I was still hurt, but I was going to keep that a secret.

Opposites Attract-George Weasley Love Story *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now