Chapter 12- "Ebony"

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"You know if I knew we were going to do this I would've stayed home" Ginny laughed at my response before we collided with the others. There was still one wizard left as Ginny and I quickly got up and shot a spell at him.

"REDUCTO!" we yelled, hitting the man right in the chest as he flew in the other direction. But, because the blast was so powerful we watched as our spell backfired as it made the orbs begin to fall; row after row pieces of glass flew everywhere as it came closer.

"RUN!" Luna, Ginny and I were still watching as they fell,

"Pretty" Ginny and I were frozen in fear; I guess Luna just liked seeing all the sparks and explosions. I heard the rest of the group screaming our names as I felt myself being picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder; I finally snapped out of it when I saw George's red hair. I looked and watched as it got closer to us.

"Oh my god" I screamed as an orb fell and almost hit me; luckily my scream scared George so he changed angles and it missed me. We made it to a door where we all ran inside. Only there was no floor to this room; I felt my hair whip back as we free fell; everyone screamed and we didn't even know when the ground was coming up since it was pitch black inside. Suddenly there was a light below us and I knew that was where this ended; we saw the ground and our eyes widened when we stopped inches to the ground before falling the rest of the way. We all got up and I heard whispering all around us,

"Who's whispering" Harry asked,

"No one's whispering Harry" Hermione replied, Luna and I stepped up beside Harry.

"I hear it too" Luna said, I nodded along with them.

"Yes it's sounds like a group of people whispering." Suddenly the lights went off around us and I heard Harry telling us to get behind him. We did so but I felt someone grab me as I let out a scream before I disappeared from the group.

"Ebony?" I heard George say; I was closest to him before I was taken. I let out another scream before someone put their hand over my mouth and I felt the tip of a wand on my temple. Soon, the lights went back on and I saw everyone else was captured except for Harry.

I felt myself move forward and I lightly turned my head, seeing Lucius holding me.

"What's it going to be Potter? You hand over the Prophecy or you watch your friends die" Harry didn't reply as I thrashed around; trying to get out of this guys hold. Why was this happening to me?

"No answer? Okay how about we start with Ebony" he pushed me forward but still had a grip on my shirt as he showed Harry where the wand was on me.

"the clock is ticking Potter"

"Don't give it to him Harry" I yelled out as Lucius stepped on my foot to shut me up. Harry looked down at the orb and then back up at me before sighing and handing the Prophecy over to Lucius. He grabbed it while still holding me and began to laugh; showing the rest. I sighed in defeat but I realized that he still hadn't let me go.

"Okay Malfoy you have the Prophecy, now let my friends go" he smirked,

"I don't think I can do that Harry, see these people know too much now; they can't go exposing everything back at Hogwarts so I guess we'll just have to kill them" I gasped as his hand tightened around my throat. Harry stepped forward but stopped when he put the wand back on my neck.

"Any last words Harry?" he was about to answer when suddenly where was a bright light that blinded us for a moment. When it dimmed I saw a man with black hair down to his shoulder. He looked at Malfoy and glared,

"You stay the hell away from my gradson" then, he shot a spell at Lucius that made him drop me and the prophecy. I caught it before it could break and ran off,

"No! get that Prophecy!" I looked back and sighed once I realized that everyone was running after me. Other people came who seemed to be on our side and were fighting off the ones that were chasing me. I saw a ledge that I could jump up on and did so before throwing the Prophecy on the ground; smashing it to pieces.

"NOOOOO!!!" I saw Lucius scream as he pointed at me,

"KILL HER! LEAVE THE BOY FOR THE DARK LORD BUT DON'T LET THAT GIRL ESCAPE ALIVE!" my breathing stopped once everyone looked at me; I took out my wand as I got showered with spells.

"Guys I need a little help!" everyone came to my side as we fought off the wizards who were slaves of Voldmort. Soon, they were defeated except for Lucius and Bellatrix. We watched as she fought with Sirius back and forth; suddenly the unexpected happened.

"Avada Kadavra" the spell hit Sirius as he took a sharp breath in; locked eyes with Harry before disappearing into the light.

"NOOOOO!!!!" the sound that came out of Harry is something that I don't ever want to hear again. Bellatrix laughed and ran off singing that she killed Sirius Black. We watched as harry ran off after her as we all followed,

"Harry!" we screamed, we watched as he threw spell after spell at Bellatrix before he finally got her. She fell to the floor and by now Harry's breathing was quick; he was pissed.

"Go on it...kill her..." a shiver went up my spine when I heard the bone chilling voice. Suddenly, a man in a black robe appeared behind Harry, his head was bald and he kind of looked like a snake.

"Is that-"

"Yes" Hermione replied before I could finish,

"She killed him Harry, you know the spell all you have to do is say it" Bellatrix was laughing, I don't know why she would be; Voldemort is literally telling Harry to kill her.

"No, I'm not like you" he chuckled,

"We are more alike than you know Harry" we heard the crackling of a fire and turned, seeing Dumbledore walk out of one of the fireplaces. He didn't say anything as he stared at Voldemort with a glare in his eyes. Voldemort turned and smirked while taking out his wand; this led to a battle.

A burst of fire came out of Voldemort's wand as it hurdled towards us; Dumbledore moved us out of the way as he blocked the spell with water. Voldemort then sent a bunch of wasps his way as they flew out of his mouth; Dumbledore sliced them all in half with another spell that sent a bunch of dust Voldemort's way. It went like this for a while before Voldmort vanished in thin air. Then, Harry dropped to the floor. Dumbledore rushed forward and bent down to Harry's level.

"Harry you must fight it; you must. Keep him out Harry you can't let him win" we watched as Harry's eyes turned back and he began to laugh.

"You've already lost him old man" I put my hands up to my mouth as I heard Voldemort's voice come out of Harry's mouth. He screamed and his eyes changed back to green,

"No you're the one who's going to lose; there is something different about us, we have something to fight for. You don't have anyone, no friends, no family. No one to love. So you're the one who's lost." Suddenly, Voldemort came out and stood beside Harry with hate in his eyes. But, his eyes looked up and locked with mine as he stepped forward towards me. I stepped back as George grabbed onto my hand an pushed him behind me. But, I felt someone grab me and turned me towards them; there I was face to face with Voldemort. He examined me, took my face in his hands and turned my face back and forth until his eyes seemed to widen a bit.

"Ebony" he said loud enough for everyone to hear. My eyes widened as I took a step back and out of his grasp,

"How do you know my name?" there was another roar of flames before a man in a suit walked out with three of his bodyguards it seemed. He stopped once his eyes lied on Voldemort as he gasped along with his group.

"We'll meet again Ebony" were Voldmorts last words before he disappeared into mist. It went silent, no one really knew what to say, and the fact that he knew my name freaked everyone out. The man in the suit stepped up and looked aroud the place, seeing how much damage he had caused before he had left. This man seemed to be important, he must be the Minister; he looked towards us in a panic.

"He's back"

Opposites Attract-George Weasley Love Story *COMPLETED*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang