Chapter 54

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Amri's POV

''how are you feeling'' luke said

''if i don't think about it the darkness doesn't take over'' i said and he nodded

''i should go up to my room'' i said and smiled.

''okay'' he said and i walked upstairs.

I sat at the side of my bed on the floor and i felt darkness in my soul. I felt it getting stronger and stronger every minute...

I got up and i wrote a note and i transported to the council.

''amri what a pleasure'' the council said and i held my hands up.

''i need to be locked up'' i said 

''with magic cuffs'' i said 

''why'' she said

''because i am about to go crazy if you don't'' i said

''my mate cheated on me and the darkness is about to take over so i need you to lock me up'' i said and they all nodded. 

They brought out the cuffs and put them on me and took me to a cell. 

''thank you'' i said

''if i ever ask to get out do not let me out'' i said and they nodded.

Luke's POV

I went up to amri's room to check on her and she was gone but there was a note on the bed.

'I'm sorry. But everyone needs to stay far away. Please do not look for me i will be okay. Before i lose everything good in me i wanted to say how much i love all of you so much. I don't want you to remember me like this. I will miss you so much.'

I told everyone and they sat down.

''where would she go'' dad said 

''somewhere safe and secure'' i said 

''let her go'' i said 

''what'' andrew said

''i said let her go this is what she wants'' i said 

''to let her lose herself alone'' kira said

''she is my bestfriend'' she said

''and she is my sister my vote trumps yours'' i said and she walked out.

Amri's POV

I sat in my cell and i felt myself slowly slipping away. Like i was sitting in a dark corner inside my head. Like everything was slowly passing by and i couldn't stop the darkness from taking over. 

''poor amri'' i heard and i popped my head up.

''who's there?'' i said and i heard chuckling. 

''oh amri you know who i am'' she said and smiled and she appeared in front of my cell.

''i am your dark self'' she said and smiled and slipped through the bars.

''let it go honey let it take over and all your problems will go away'' she said and smiled and i got up.

''you seriously doubt my strength how pathetic'' i said and smiled and she threw me up to the wall.

''when im done with you all that will be left will be pathetic'' she said and smiled.

''first you find out your father well not biological of course is the man who killed your real dad now thats a whole story for its own and here's the kick your mom stood by and watched'' she said and pouted.

''gotta sting'' she said 

''then you kill ken and your mom thats some stone cold shit blondie'' she said 

''and all along you got your father back and then his sister comes around and tries to kill you'' she said and laughed

''not only you but her dying wish and gift to you was a bounty over you, damon, riley, and your dear loving brother'' she said and i growled.

''i wonder how much loss can you take'' she said and smiled

''how many more people till you let me take over i mean you lost your mate man he cheated on you with some girl he didn't love because why because you weren't there and oh we cant forget how he wouldn't be here if you didn't bring him back.'' she said and smiled and i felt her getting more of a grip on me.

''oh that's it'' she said and smiled.

''that's the pain that will let me take over'' she said and grabbed me.

''how about we take a trip down memory lane'' she said and chuckled and flashes of memories with me and adam appeared.

They were the happy memories and then it was all the bad memories colliding into one.....

''let it go'' i heard in my head.

''let. go.'' she said and she let me go.

''let the pain win'' she said and smiled.

I gave up and let her through..

''Mmmm'' she said and held my hands up.

All i had was my vision all i could do was see.

''magic free cuffs we can't have that'' she said and dislocated my thumbs and slid out my hand.

''much better'' she said and she blew open the cell.

''amri'' a guard said and she snapped his neck.

''its not amri'' a council women said and the witches put a boarder.

She walked up to the boarder and smiled.

''the fact that you think i can't get through hurts.'' she said and smiled.

''but i will let yall live'' she said and blew the wall down and walked out.

What have i done..........

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