Chapter 28

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Amri's POV 


Everything has been calm lately me and andrew graduated last month so now we have more free time. Me and adam have grown really close. Levi moved out of the house and back into his. Kira and andrew are still here along with luke. 

''hey beautiful'' adam said and smiled 

''hey'' i said and smiled 

''so date night tonight'' he said 

''ohh yess'' i said and smiled and gave him a kiss.

''good can't wait beautiful'' he said and gave me another kiss.

''see you tonight'' he said and walked out and i smiled

I got in the shower and then wrapped myself in a towel and blow dried my hair. I straightened it and i started on my make up. I finished everything in the restroom and i walked out to my closet and picked out an outfit. 

I layed it on my bed and i put on a sports bra and some shorts. I went downstairs and grabbed a snack. 

''hey honey'' kira said and sat down. 

''hey boo'' i said and ate some cantaloupe. 

''date night again?'' she said and smiled 

''yes'' i said and smiled 

''that hits the two week in a row mark fourteen days out every night and you are telling me you haven't done the deed yet'' i said 

''well not yet but tonight i plan to'' i said and smiled 

''really!?'' she said and smiled 

''yes'' i said and smiled 

''oh my god did you shave?'' she said and i chuckled 

''yes'' i said and blushed.

''im happy for you amri you have been amazingly happy these past few months and i am so amazed you have changed you make everyone around you happy'' she said and i smiled 

''maybe its also cause im around kids as well'' i said and chuckled.

''you know its him amri dont front'' she said and chuckled

''right'' i said 

''alright im gonna go finish getting ready'' i said and walked upstairs and i got dressed and put on some pumps. 

I went downstairs and i saw adam waiting. 

''every time i see you you look more and more beautiful'' he said and smiled 

''thank you'' i said and smiled

''shall we'' he said and smiled

''yes'' i said and we walked out and we went out to eat. 

''so how is everyone'' he said and i chuckled

''you just saw them yesterday so i'd say the same as yesterday'' and smiled 

''right'' he said 

''well tomorrow i finally become alpha'' he said 

''i thought you already were'' i said 

''these past few months have been to see what i can bring to the table see how good i can be as alpha and i passed.'' he said and smiled

''we are having the oath ceremony and i would like you to come'' he said 

''i'd love to'' i said and smiled 

''good'' he said 

We finished eating and then we went back to his house. 

''no one is home so we have this house to ourselves'' he said and smiled and i smiled back. 

We walked inside and we went to his room and he closed the door. He came from behind me and he moved my hair from my neck and kissed it sending sparks of electricity down my spine and i let out a moan. I turned around and i pulled him to me and kissed him. 

He layed me down and got on top of me and kissed my neck and he started taking off my shirt and i took off his shirt and i got on top of him and kissed down his stomach and i pulled down his pants and kissed his v-line. 

We had an amazing night and i was genuinely happy with everything. 

''that was amazing'' he said and i chuckled.

''it was'' i said and smiled 

''sleep here'' he said and i looked at him.

''of course'' i said and gave him a kiss. 

I layed on his chest and listened to his heart beat till i fell asleep.......

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