Chapter 11

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Levi's POV

''alright'' i said 

''knock'' i said and she rolled her eyes and knocked then the door opened and we saw a women.

''how may i help you?'' she said 

''we are friends of lucas and we were wondering if he's home?'' i said 

''oh right you are levi lucas's friend he's upstairs come in'' she said and we walked in.

''lucas you have company!'' she yelled up the stairs.

''coming!'' he yelled and he came downstairs.

''i don't know how i missed it now when i see him i see amri and the resemblance'' i said 

''what?'' luke said 

''we need to talk luke'' i said 

''who's this?'' he said 

''kira a friend of mine'' i said 

''we need to talk but we can't do it here'' kira said and i nodded 

''can you come with us'' i said and he nodded and we walked outside and into the car.

''where are we going?'' he said 

''we will explain when we get there just hope you are up for a little trip'' i said and i drove back to the area.

''what is this place?'' he said 

Me and kira explained the situation to him and after long oh my god's and you are fucking kidding or joking he was calm.

''so i have a sister?'' he said and i nodded

''her name is Amri Grimaldi used to be lockwood'' i said 

''so that makes me Luke Grimaldi'' he said and i nodded

''now here's the million dollar question are you a hybrid'' kira said 

''no one knows?'' he said and i nodded

''you can trust us we just want to protect you'' i said 

''yes i am it was rough but i got through the transformation in a concrete seller in the woods was knocked out for three days'' he said and showed us a ball of energy.

''your magic looks exactly like amri's'' she said 

''she went through it already is she okay?'' he said 

''she's on day two of sleep she's sleeping through her birthday'' kira said and he looked confused

''if its her birthday today then how did it happen so early?'' he said 

''yeah levi how did it happen'' kira said and i sighed.

''i pissed her off beyond repair and when she wakes up im sure she is gonna kill me'' i said 

''he slept with her twice and didn't think to tell her he has a psycho ex who he just broke up with and it triggered the powers out of anger'' kira said 

''nice going levi'' luke said

''i didn't think she would find out that way'' i said 

''so when can i meet her?'' luke said 

''you can come inside you are safe here but now that you know everything you shouldn't go home it isn't safe if i can go through her memories then someone else can and can find out you exist but im gonna make sure no one else can i still have some of her blood and i can put a seal somewhere in her brain and it can seal any other witch to roam her memories'' kira said 

''good'' i said 

''but i pretty much know her whole life so we are good on information'' kira said and we got out of the car and went into the house. 

''that is amri and that is andrew a friend helping out'' kira said 

''best friend well at least we were right'' andrew said 

''and since it is true that means you and amri are royalty and yall may be the key to let hybrids roam free and out of the shadows'' kira said 

''i thought vampire and werewolf hybrids were able to be roaming'' luke said 

''just cause they are doesn't mean people approve they still hate because they are stronger than them'' kira said 

''so some stay in hiding about who they are'' i said 

''when do you have to be home?'' kira said

''oh the um vampire who compelled my well step mom i guess i don't know uh she's compelled that if i ever go missing for more than three days it was assumed i would be back with lola so she's compelled to forget about me'' he said 

''are you sure that's what you want'' i said 

''are you kidding i can't even be normal in that house because she is human and im just there as if its nothing so im glad to be out of that house.'' he said 

''we can go pick up your stuff tomorrow and you can go upstairs and pick any room available'' kira said and luke went upstairs.

''so how the hell do we explain this to amri when she wakes up without her freaking out?'' andrew said

''we are gonna need a few shots i know i need them'' kira said and walked into the kitchen.

Well one more day till we get this story straight to tell amri..................

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