Chapter 51

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Amri's POV

''so you can fight and hold your own anything else i should know'' jay said 

''i have two kids'' i said 

''wow'' he said and chuckled

''they are lovely'' i said and smiled

''well single mom must be tough'' he said

''i don't really know to be honest i have alot of friends and my brother and father who help alot'' i said 

''thats why im here they are with their dad for the week'' i said

''needed to get away?'' he said 

''yeah'' i said and sighed 

''can't judge that'' he said

''just needed to think after what he told me'' i said

''which was'' he said

''nothing i uh i need to get home'' i said 

''was it something i said'' he said

''no no its me i just need to get home'' i said 

''i have a feeling something is wrong'' i said 

He turned the car around and drove to adrians and i ran inside to the room turned upside down it was destroyed.

''no no no no'' i said and i looked around and i saw a note.

'come get him or he falls off a high building' 

The eiffel tower. 

I transported there and there was people on the top. 

''no magic here unless you want people to see'' i heard and i turned around and everyone screamed cause of the gun.

I snapped my fingers and put everyone to sleep.

''where is my friend'' i said 

''bring him'' he said and they brought adrian out and he looked so beaten up. No wolf healing because i could smell the wolfsbane coming off him.

''you shouldn't mess with a powerful witch'' i said and i broke the necks of the men who were holding him. 

''you think a gun scares me'' i said after he held it up and i walked closer so the barrel of the gun touched my forehead.

''pull the trigger'' i said and smiled 

I could feel the fear coming off him. Then he pulled the trigger and it shot him in the head. 

''a girl with magic can change the location of a bullet'' i said and smiled and i grabbed adrian and transported back to his house.

''are you okay'' i said and he chuckled

''im covered in blood'' he said and i chuckled

''im so sorry i should have stayed with you'' i said 

''no you were having fun'' he said 

''doesn't matter'' i said and i put my hands on his stomach.

''this might hurt'' i said i whispered a spell and i grabbed a trashcan and held it to his face and then he threw up.

''oh that burns'' he said and threw up again.

''i put a spell that brings out the wolfsbane hence the throw up your wolf healing should kick in'' i said and smiled as he layed back.

''does it hurt'' i said 

''nothing pain killers cant solve'' he said and i grabbed his hand and closed my eyes. 

''oh my god amri your arms'' he said as there were black veins going up them.

''that was alot of pain'' i said and took a breath.

''how?'' he said

''i don't know there is alot of things that happened tonight that i didn't know i could do'' i said

''the bullet the throw up and this'' i said 

''if i can take away your pain then'' i said and stopped and i grabbed his face and i closed my eyes.

I opened them again and all the cuts and bruises were gone.

''wow'' i said

''what the hell can't you do'' he said and chuckled and i looked down.

''apparently be a mother'' i said and he sat up.

''hey don't think like that'' he said and hugged me.

''i don't know how he can apologize and thinks its gonna be okay'' i said 

''amri he loves you he went through you in the beginning just to get you to love him back he fought for you imagine if you were in his shoes can you honestly tell me you wouldn't have reacted the same'' he said and i pulled away.

''no'' i said 

''well then i think there is something you should do'' he said

''but yo-'' he cut me off.

''i will be fine you healed me and i will call if i need help'' he said

''or link'' i said and smiled

''im always here amri'' he said and i hugged him.

''thank you for this'' i said and smiled.

''if uh jay comes by tell him i went home'' i said and he nodded 

I got up and walked into the guest room and packed up my stuff. 

Once i finished i walked into the living room.

''well i guess this is good bye'' adrian said

''ill see you again'' i said and smiled

''hopefully with the little munchkins'' he said and i chuckled.

''of course'' i said and smiled and i hugged him.

''im gonna miss you'' i said 

''im gonna miss you too'' he said and chuckled and i stepped back. 

''oh'' i said and i lifted up my hands and i restored his house.

''you didn't have to'' he said

''its the least i can do for everything you have done for me'' i said

''hey you saved my life'' he said and i smiled

''well i guess you owe me a few'' i said and he chuckled

''bye amri'' he said 

''bye adrian''  i said and i grabbed my bags and i transported home. 

To my old room. 

''well look who's back'' i heard and i turned around and saw luke.

''hey'' i said and smiled

''where did you go'' he said

''to see an old friend'' i said 

''ah'' he said and he hugged me.

''and this outfit you are wearing'' he said and i chuckled.

''he dragged me into somethings'' i said

''and the blood'' he said and wiped my face.

''he was dragged into things and i saved him'' i said 

''sounds like quite the few days'' he said and i chuckled.

''you have no idea'' i said.

''where is everyone'' i said 

''downstairs eating i came up because i felt you were close'' he said

''about that we need to talk'' i said and he sat down.

''let me shower really quickly and ill tell you everything'' i said and he nodded.

I grabbed my clothes and quickly took a shower and got dressed. It's hard to explain what i just did but hey nothing is impossible........

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