Chapter 17

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Amri's POV

''you can't do this nature will not allow it'' a women said 

''the powers will be returned if the spirits see fit trust me if i came up with this idea it would have been gold but it wasn't any of us it was the spirits some of the casters have been doing dark magic as well just as you were about to do me and luke are grimaldi's and we are beyond what any other grimaldi was before we are more powerful and we are the start of a new beginning if nature didn't see fit we wouldn't have this magic'' i said 

''that is why we are royalty now go home'' luke said and they left. 

We started the signing and just like that everyone began spreading the word. We gathered everyone who was guilty and transported them to the house and we drove back as well. 

When we got back kira and andrew met us. 

''so how is it going.'' i said 

''everyone you sent over well lets just say im going to need alot of bleach'' kira said 

''how's everyone'' i said 

''they are doing fine'' andrew said 

''the treaty was signed and the new heads of the councils were set just like we planned'' luke said 

''good now lets see how this goes before we all establish we are going on a path to peace'' andrew said and sighed

''i just hope this works'' i said 

''what are we gonna do with ken'' luke said

''oh he's dying'' i said 

''what?'' kira said

''i don't have to kill him when he's already dying'' i said 

''how?'' andrew said

''when i touched him i saw death he has a brain tumor the healing isn't working and well that sucks'' i said 

''how it should work i've never heard of it not working especially on something like this'' andrew said and i looked at him.

''amri'' kira said

''what'' i said 

''you took away his healing'' she said 

''no i just made sure that the wolf healing won't help'' i said 

''spell my dad taught me in a dream'' i said and i walked inside.

''im sorry your dad you saw him'' kira said 

''yes i did now if you don't mind i have had a long day and my caster, werewolf, and i are tired'' i said and i walked upstairs and i changed into my pajama's. 

I layed down and i sighed. 

I heard the door open and i saw luke walk in. 

''hey'' he said 

''hey'' i said and i moved over so he could sit down.

''we did it'' he said

''we did but i feel like it was easy'' i said 

''what do you mean'' he said 

''it was easy'' i said 

''well they probably would have fought but i spelled them not to so of course they couldn't put up a fight they almost did though'' he said 

''i know i knew there would be casters'' i said and sighed

''well im glad we were prepared for that'' he said 

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