Chapter 29

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Amri's pov 

I felt eyes on my face and i smiled.

''you are staring'' i mocked

''im gazing'' he mocked back and i chuckled.

''you truly are beautiful'' he said and i smiled 

''thank you'' i said and i sat up.

''i should get home'' i said and smiled 

I got up and grabbed my clothes and got dressed. I looked at adam and smiled.

''see you later'' i said and i gave him a kiss.

''bye beautiful'' he said and i walked out and got in my car and drove home. 

I walked inside and went to my room. 

''long night?'' kira said coming in and i smiled.

''very'' i said and chuckled. 

''you did the deed'' she said and smiled and i nodded.

''yess'' i said and i smiled

I grabbed some clothes for my shower and i smiled.

''it was amazing'' i said 

''literally everything was just so amazing'' i said and smiled 

''well more details after you take a shower'' she said and i nodded 

I got in the shower and then i dried off and got dressed. 

I walked downstairs and i grabbed a snack.

''hey sister'' luke said and i smiled 

''hey luke'' i said and smiled 

''so how was last night you never came home'' he said 

''i was with adam'' i said 

''again?'' he said 

''yeah'' i said and smiled

''have you talked to levi'' he said and looked down.

''no'' i said and sighed.

''so you are just not gonna talk to him'' he said 

''he threatened adam luke i don't much want to speak to him plus if it was reverse he would feel the same it is him who should be happy for me'' i said and walked away.

I walked upstairs and sat down and sighed. 

''knock knock'' i heard and i looked and saw andrew.

''hey'' i said 

''how you feelin?'' he said 

''you heard?'' i said 

''yeah i was listening'' he said 

''that bad huh?'' i said 

''yeah that bad but you are right you know he should be happy for you i told him that this would happen and he should have listened'' he said and i nodded.

''i get it i would be hurt too but i would have been very happy for him'' he said 

''i know but he's grieving he is hurt'' he said 

''its been months'' i said 

''it has been months since that has happened and i have been tremendously happy with adam more happy than i have been in so long and he isn't for me as i would be for him'' i said 

''then talk to him'' he said 

''no he can talk to me'' i said 

''amri come on'' he said 

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