Chapter 4.

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"The new juniors seem kind of promising." Tawan says as he leans his back against the door as he closes it. Singto throws himself onto the bed with a long sigh.

"Honestly, I'm confident that Fiat could do well but I'm not sure about the other two. They seem really soft." Singto replies.

Tawan walks over to the fridge and helps himself for a of bottle water. He shows it to Singto and only waved it off, letting him have it. "Well, this is why we are in charge of training them."

"That's what I'm afraid off. Those who are from Orphanage B and D tend to survive better out in the field because of the experience they have. Only a handful from the other orphanages would survive and adapt to whatever that is going to come. We're considered lucky, you know." Singto says as he pushes himself up.

"You don't give yourself enough credit. How many times did you save Oaujun and I? You're the only one we can depend on honestly."' Tawan says with a smile after drinking his water.

Singto laughs shortly. "I should say the same for you. I guess it is luck that we got each other as our teammates."

"You could say that again."

Krist and New didn't know what to make of their new life serving Sotus. Never would he have thought that what holds beyond the walls of the orphanage is a war. He couldn't get his mind off the fact that the creatures he saw just now exists in a world like this. He got off the bed and knocked on the room next door.

New opens up the door. "Can't take a nap as well?"

"Nope." Krist let himself in. "I don't know how to process all of this. All my life I wanted to get out of that orphanage and this is what I get. I didn't sign up for this."

New closes the door behind him and walks towards the bed. He sits on the edge of it and lets out a sigh. "I was thought that animals were supposed to be cute and snuggly, not this. This is a complete nightmare. I'm not sure if I can sleep tonight."

"I know how you feel. I was thought the same thing too. We still have yet to complete our orientation. I don't even know what else they are going to show us." Krist says.

"That's not the worse part. They said that they're going to give us the serum or some sort."

"Don't remind me." New says with sad look on his face. "I don't even know what's going to happen to us."

They hear a knock on the door and New gets up to open it. Oaujun greets them with a smile. "We will be heading out now. I know you only got less than an hour rest but considering that there is the three of you, we would have to rush everything considering the time constraint."

"Oh. Alright." Krist nods as he exits New's room. He spots Tawan and Singto walking towards them.

"Oaujun, are you sure about this? They just got here today. We're supposed to give them a few days to train." Singto asks. The look on the older boy's face is grim.

"What's happening?" New asks.

Oaujun ignores New and turns to the other two seniors. "It's a message from the higher ups. We lost a whole squad to the gears as they invade the Gear's village."

Tawan and Singto's eyes widen in shock as if they couldn't believe the new that he is hearing. "What?! Tell me at least one of them made it out alive." Tawan asks with panic and worry.

"None. The Gears live on cannibalism if there is no food and you know that. I don't even want to know how much torture they're going through being held captive in the village." Oaujun explains.

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