Chapter 30.

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Mond turns to Ohm and Toey. "Perhaps I'll take the younger ones. They do look better than the lot of you." He reconsiders. Mond stands up from his chair and walks towards Ohm and Toey. Even though Ohm is slightly taller than he is, Mond cups his cheeks and licks the younger boy's neck.

Ohm didn't know how to react when Mond puts his tongue onto his skin. It is the first time that anyone has ever done that. Ohm looks at him in disgust. Mond's brow narrows and looks at Ohm in the eye. "You taste weird. Not like Tay and the others." Mond licks Ohm one more time. "What are you?"

Ohm grins. "As if I'm going to tell you. If you wanna know, you got to find out yourself."

Mond turns to Singto. "I guess I changed my mind. I'll take this one instead." Mond looks at his back and realizes that the tentacles are slowly growing shorter, indicating that he is turning back into a human soon.

"I guess the stronger you are, the more dosage you require to sustain your form." Tawan comments. "But you can't use much of the drug or else you'll lose control of yourself."

Mond's lips curl upwards. "Very nice observation."

Fiat stands up to his feet and walks to Oaujun's side. "That means you can't prolong your fight. You got to end it quickly." Fiat looks at the Earth and March. However Mond didn't agree or disagree to Tawan's statement which makes it suspicious. "But somehow I believe that your Squad mates will make up for that."

Mond releases Ohm and turns to Squad Eight. "Your Squad has really good potential. It could even surpass mine. I guess it doesn't matter since we're all about to die anyway." Mond walks towards the door, inviting the other two to follow him. "We'll see you when we see you."

"Ohm. Don't forget to meet me later." Mond winks at him. "Don't forget to bring a drug. I'd like to see what you are."

The three of them exits the meeting room and leave the remaining two squad. "They're really scary." Krist comments. "Especially Sandee. Her looks itself already states how much she's been through. She could most probably kill us with her finger if she wants to."

"This is my first time seeing the Top Four as well. They're scary indeed." Singto lets out a sigh as he touches his neck. He could feel a bruise from Mond's tight grip from earlier. "I suggest we all get our nights rest and meet up early in the morning tomorrow for training."

"I agree." Oaujun looks at the juniors including Ohm and Toey. "We're all inexperience compared to them."

Tawan looks at Ohm. "Are you going to be alright, being with Mond all alone?"

Ohm nods. "Yeah. As much of a pervert he is, I genuinely think that he does that to examine our Yokai and see what we are capable of. If not he wouldn't ask me to meet him with the drug."

Fiat puts his thumb and his fingers against his chin. "I guess you're right. They already know what we are capable of but we still know nothing about them."

"But there is one thing I don't understand." New says, getting the attention from everyone. "He said that we are all going to die. What does he mean by that?"

"Ohm, maybe you could ask him what he meant by that when you see him later. Honestly, I am curious as well. If he knows that we're going on a suicide mission, why didn't he argue about it with Prae? Instead he gave in. Sandee looks too calm to know what she's thinking." Toey answers.

"I'm getting you to accompany me as well." Ohm looks at Toey with a wide smile. "I'm not going there alone."

"Good. The two of you can go dig out information. If you need any help, just ring any one of us. I doubt we'll get any night sleep anyway." Singto instructs. "If you can't sleep, please do some training in your own dorm. I wouldn't want anyone of us to die."

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