Chapter 26.

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Saint and Perth bring Singto into a small room break room with enough chairs around the table for them. Singto closes the door behind him and joins the others around the table. He looks around the room for any cameras or anything that could let anyone know or hear their conversation. There is nothing. "Why did you call us here?" Perth asks.

"I'm just curious. After you guys were sent back here and got into your new Clan, do you guys have any other patrols or mission?" Singto asks.

The two boys look at each other before looking back at Singto. "We do. It's a safe patrol though. Our Clan just has to patrol the outside perimeter in case of any invasion by the animals." Saint answers. "Is something wrong?"

"Do you guys ever encounter any animals or Gears?"

Saint shakes his head. "Nothing. We've been patrolling that place ever since we got into our new Clan. In fact, we're going to head there tonight."

Krist looks at Singto. "Why would they be patrolling the same place over and over again instead of jumping from one place to another?"

Perth then looks at Saint. "Yeah. Why do we have to patrol there? It's far from the original place where the invasion happened. It's near Orphanage D."

Singto lifts a brow. "Is there anything weird going on with your Clan?"

Saint thinks hard as his eyes dart around the room. "I don't think so. Now that you mentioned it, the patrol around the south side of the country is heavier than anywhere else."

"I see." Singto crosses his arms as he tries to process his thoughts. Nothing has been going on at the border at the south. There has been a drastic decrease in animals there. It wasn't as bad as back then or as bad as Orphanage B.

"What's wrong, Yokai Singto?" Saint asks.

Singto smiles at Saint. "You can just call me Singto. Don't need for formalities. We've fought together." Saint's smile grew bigger and Perth nods as he hears Singto say that. "I'm investigation something. That's why I'm asking you guys this kind of questions. If it is possible, please keep it between us. If your trainer asks you, say that it is confidential Yokai information. They wouldn't dare to mess with you if you were to say that."

Perth nods. "What if they were to threaten us?"

Singto puts out his hand. "Give me your phone. I'll give you my number. Call me if there is anything wrong. Call me if they threaten you on the spot. I'll come down as fast as I can. Just give me your location."

Perth and Saint hand over their phone. Singto puts in his number into the device and hands over their phone back. "I saved my contact as my name. I rather not let anyone find out that the two of you are in contact with a Yokai. People will start to suspect things."

Saint and Perth nods. "Alright."

"Also, if you see or hear anything out of the ordinary, let us know." Singto says.

"Yeah. You wouldn't want to piss him off. He's not nice when he's pissed off. So you guys better let him know." Krist says as he bounces his brows playfully at the other two.

Singto looks at Krist from the corner of his eyes. "Keep talking."

Krist cowers playfully down his chair. "Sorry."

Singto let out a short sigh. "Anyway, thank you. Let me know you guys need anything. I'll be more than happy to help you."

The two boys nod and the two Yokais start leaving the room. "I'll be more than happy to help you." Krist imitates the older boy annoyingly.

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