Chapter 1.

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It is the fate of all orphans to be sent to the Sotus Cooperation when they are at legal age. Krist is the only one in his orphanage that is of legal age for the year. The children there are held inside without any knowledge of the world outside. It pains him to be taken away from his family, not by blood but by bond.

He sits in the car staring out the window, wondering what would be waiting for him at Sotus. All of his seniors that got sent there promised that they would write back to the orphanage but not one was sent. Krist did write to Sotus, asking about his seniors, when he was younger but there was never a reply.

"How is Sotus like?" Krist asks his driver, the curiosity won over him and he's bored of being in the car for more than an hour. The driver looks at him with through his shades from the rear view mirror and said nothing. Krist thought he dressed too nicely with his suit for just a driver. "How much more longer till we arrive?" He asks a different question, hopefully he would reply.

Once again he said nothing.

Krist's mind is filled with many questions and none of them are answered by his driver. He gave up with the questions and decides to take a rest. He might not be able to get any once he reach his location. He closes his eyes and let the darkness consume him.

Krist's wakes him from his dream as he gets dragged out of the car. "Woah!" He yells out as the familiar man in a suit throws him to the floor. The guy nods at him before saying that he has arrived at his location.

Well, at least one of his questions is answered.

The driver disappears back into the car and drives off. He stands up and dusts himself clean. He curses the driver for what he did to him.

"Hello and welcome to Sotus. My name is May and I will be here to guide you for your first day here." She greets him.

At first, Krist would've have thought that she would be someone old by her voice but when he finally got a look at her, she don't seem as old as he would have thought. She looks about the same age as Krist, her long black hair and baby cheeks makes her seem younger. "Hello." He greets back. He looks around but all he could see was a black empty garage with its gate open, showing a long road. "This is Sotus?"

May smiles at him. "Sotus is a huge place. Please follow me." She turns around and walks towards the only door that is in the room. Krist quickly follows her, not wanting to get left behind.

The door leads to a narrow hallway then to another room where it is filled with people. The room is eerily silent as he sees people his age wait patiently on the seats, facing the counter. May turns around to him. "Please wait here silently until your name is called. If you need to use the bathroom or require food, please hold on until after you meet up with the people at the counter."

Krist nods at her before she walks away. He looks around and takes the nearest empty seat. Just as he lands his butt to the chair, his name got called. "Krist from Orphanage C."

He quickly push his legs back up and hurries to the counter that calls his name. She examines Krist. "You're Krist?" The boy nods at her. She types onto the keyboard at an inhumane speed. "Please head into room one for your examination."

Krist looks around, trying to find for the room number. The lady sigh. "To your right there will be hall way, walk straight then take a right. It will be the first door." Krist nods and thank her before walking off. He sees the expression on the kids that are waiting for their name, their face seem grim.

He pushes the thought out of his head and head towards the room as fast as he can. He knocks onto the door and enters. He is met with a doctor who is just as busy as the receptionist on the computer. "Strip off your clothes then take a seat Krist." He says without taking his eyes off the screen.

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