Chapter 24.

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"So what did Oak say?" Singto asks when he sees Ohm and Tawan exits the lab. Oaujun crosses his arms as he waits for the two of them to answer. New and Toey appears behind them but the rest didn't give much attention to them.

"He said that when we use the drug to transform ourselves, we better not take more than one. Since when we transform, we have already exceed fifty percent, it's safer to just use one until it wears off." Tawan answers.

"I guess that is true." Oaujun comments.

"How long is Oak going to process your newly found Yokai?" Singto asks. "If this is kept from Prae, it's only a matter of time before we head out for our next mission."

"I think that's it for now." Tawan says as he massages his chin between his thumb and index fingers.

"The two of you should head back. I don't think anyone should see you guys in your Yokai form." Fiat says, stepping in front of Oaujun. "Your Yokai's are supposed to be a secret."

Ohm grabs Toey's hand. "I'll head to my room first. If what you say is true, I rather be in my room until the Yokai wear off."

"I think I have a few tranquilizers in my room if you guys want it." Krist offers.

Singto turns to him and lifts a brow. "Why do you have it? It's supposed to be returned back to Prem once we're back at Sotus."

Krist scratches his head. "I may or may not forget to return it to him."

"Then it's settled, let's head to Krist's room." Fiat slams his fist into his hand.

Oaujun grabs the boy by back on his neck. "No we are not. They are. We are going to investigate more on Prae and the Organisation."

"But. But." Fiat tries to argue back but Oaujun drags him off, waving at the rest. "I want to see what's going to happen next!" The others smile sympathetically at the both of them as they wave good bye.

Oaujun leans in to Fiat's ear. "If you really want to see what happens next then let's head to the dorm." He could feel the heat increase on his fingers on Fiat's neck after he said that.

The two boys head up to the office. Oaujun knows only one person he could trust but he isn't quite sure if she will be able to provide the information that he needs. He looks around the busy office, it was the same as before. Clerks are running everywhere while there are people who are glued to their seat, typing away at the computer.

"Follow me. I don't want you to get lost." Oaujun say as he walks down the isle of cubicles.

Fiat follows him closely, dodging any clerk that comes his way. "Where are we going?"

Oaujun didn't reply him but looks into the cubicle as they walk through it. They had to walk a couple of isle before Oaujun finally found the person he was looking for. He drags Fiat into the cubicle. "May." Oaujun called out when she didn't notice the two boys enter into her zone.

May looks up from the screen. "Oaujun! What's the pleasure?" She leans back into her chair.

"Can we talk privately?" Oaujun asks.

May looks at Fiat. "Privately?" She points at the smaller boy.

"He's included in the private and privates if you know what I mean." Oaujun says as he bounces his brows at the smaller boy. Fiat smacks Oaujun shoulders.

May got up to her feet and stretches her arm to the roof. She opens up the drawer and takes out a pack of cigarettes and lighter. "Let's go to the roof. It's about time I got a smoke break anyway."

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