Chapter 14.

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The squad prepares themselves for their mission. It was obvious that Ohm and Toey didn't want to get back past the shield but at this point they didn't have a choice. They have to listen to their seniors who are also their Squad Leader. "Are you sure you can remember where the location is?" Tawan asks, looking at two.

Ohm nods. "Yes, Senior."

The other three juniors are making it obvious that they are reluctant to exit the shield. Oaujun looks at Fiat, he didn't know why but he cares for him more than he should have. "Hey, Fiat. Stick with me if you feel any uneasiness."

Fiat nods at the older boy, and the other two seniors immediately look at their own juniors. Singto shakes his head and continues walking to the end of the shield. The barrier is flickering on and off like a spoil light.

Singto takes a rock and throws it towards the shield. The action causes it to open a hole in the shield for a moment before it closes again. "Did you guys see what I did there? Before you enter, throw a rock to weaken the area so it will disappear." Tawan explains.

Fiat's eyes widen to the new discovery, this must be how the animals entered the vicinity. The way they came in must have been by an accident but what they went through a couple of days ago was planned if this is the only way in and out of the shield. Fiat starts to wonder who would have let all the animals in.

"I'll go first." Tawan says as he takes a rock and throws it to the shield. The brief moment that it opened up, Tawan quickly jumps through it. New didn't know if it was the panic or the attachment to his senior but he quickly jumps across before it closes.

"New!" Tawan scolds the boy. "You could have lost your foot if you're not careful!" New looks at Tawan, wanting to tell his reasons but keeps silent instead. He knows that Tawan is only looking out for him.

"Krist, you go first." Singto says, tossing a rock towards the younger boy. Krist catches the rock mid-air and did what Singto did a couple of moments ago. He jumps through it and a smile creeps up his face. He is proud that he is a quick learner.

Everyone got through and they started following Ohm's and Toey's lead. Just for safety purposes, Tawan and Oaujun walk beside them and Singto at the back of the group. New looks around in awe. The way the sun passes through the small crevices from the leaves, shining onto their skin feels more differently when they were under the shield. "Hey, Krist. This feels really nice."

Krist nods. "The air smells really fresh."

Fiat nods. "I didn't expect the outside would be like this. I've heard a lot of bad stuff about being outside but it really is refreshing."

Ohm turns his head around, looking past his shoulders and at the three juniors. "Is this your first time out?" He asks.

"Yeah." Krist replies.

"This is our second time."

Toey smacks Ohm's side. "No, it's our first time too. It's our second time outside because we have to lead you guys in."

"I'm sorry." Fiat apologizes.

Toey lets out a sigh. "It's alright. We got to do what we got to do. It's not like we can just run away."

Tawan snickers beside him. "You're right about that one. Even if we do run, there's nothing we can do. We can't even survive out here."

"Senior, what will happen to us since... You know." Ohm asks.

"Most probably you will be transferred to another squad." Oaujun explained. "The two of you are not experienced enough to be the new seniors. However, I can't be so sure. We're lacking of man power so you might just be the new seniors."

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