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THE GROUP WAS SPLIT INTO FOUR TEAMS. Steve and Scott confronted Tony, except Scott was shrunk down and hanging on Steve's shield. Clint, Wanda, and Silas hid and waited for their signal. Crimsyn was in his own area searching for Tony's Quinjet. Cora, Sam, Bucky and Brendon were also in their own area searching for the Quinjet. Jamie left on her own, hopefully not getting caught.

Cora was about ready to strangle Sam and Bucky. Their banter about where the jet would be was driving both her and Brendon insane. Sam was controlling his drone on a panel on his arm.

"Red Wing found it, good boy." Sam announced. The other three raised an eyebrow at him. "Hanger five, Cap."

"Cora shoot the webs around his feet." Brendon directed.

The young archer pulled back the arrow and aimed. Within a second Cora released it. As her arrow broke the webs around Steve's ankles, Clint's arrow broke the webs around his wrist. Cora smiled confidently and nodded her head forward.

"Good job," Brendon congratulated. "Let's move."

The four of them started making their way toward hanger five. A boy in a red suit jumped on the window ceiling causing Cora to curse. Bucky and Sam entered a small banter. It didn't last because Sam was kicked over by the boy. As the other three stopped and turned toward the boy Brendon realized he knew exactly who the red blur was. Peter Parker. Fifteen year old high school student who's abilities resemble that of a spiders. It was talked about at work back in Romania. Videos of a 'Spider-Man' flying around New York, saving people. Brendon had reached out to Sharon for answers. And she delivered.

Bucky the boy is fifteen be careful! Brendon exclaimed in his head. It was to late,  however, as the Parker boy jumped at Bucky. The ex-assassin was taken aback by the attack and threw a punch with his metal fist. Shockingly the boy caught it. A he spoke Bucky realized that it was just a boy. His arm seemed to relax slightly, allowing Parker's strong grip to take over. Berndon and Cora watched in shock as Sam sprinted toward the Spider-Man, expanding the wings.

"Cora go," Brendon demanded of the girl. She hesitated but ran away to find Crimsyn.

Brendon turned toward the fight. He looked just in time to see Bucky throw a large sign at the beam supporting the boy. His aim was off and the boy easily ducked. Bucky hid behind a support beam, his breath heavy. In a second the boy called out for Bucky. Brendon's eyes widened as the sign was thrown back at Bucky, hitting the beam he was hiding behind. Brendon ran to help Bucky, leaving Sam to fight the spider.

"Gotta help Sam." Bucky muttered. Brendon nodded.

"I have a plan, wait here." Brendon told Bucky. Bucky nodded and the two watched Parker. The boy jumped down from the beam he was balancing on. Brendon burned the web causing the boy to fall. Brendon lunged at the boy and forced him to back into the closet wall. His forearm was pressed on the boy's chest, holding him against the wall. He heated his arm slightly so the boy would feel heat and hopefully feel intimidated.

"Why are you here?" Brendon spoke smoothly. "You're fifteen, Tony shouldn't have brought you."

"M-Mr. Stark your arm is a little hot." The Parker boy stuttered. Brendon kept a straight face and applied more pressure.

"Do you know why this is so important that Tony had to bring a fifteen year old?" Brendon asked.

"He just wants me to web you guys up so he can take you somewhere or something." The boy mumbled through his mask.

Brendon nodded and hummed. "It upsets me because we had to bring in a boy your age, Parker. We kind of hoped you two would distract each other but that's not working is it?" The eyes of the boy's mask widened. Brendon continued his distraction rant. "Y'know I look at this boy and I see my son. It hurts that I have to let him fight against us just because Tony decided to bring a fifteen year old. Christ, Parker you have talent. But this is not the place for you or my son."

Brendon released his arm away from Parker's chest. A faint, black line was left on the suit from where his arm was burning into it. "I'm not gonna hurt you Peter. I won't do it."

The boy stood there bewildered. Brendon bowed his his head. Flicking his wrist, Brendon created a smoke bomb, allowing him to disappear. He ran off and hid behind a vendors booth. He glanced  and saw Parker attack Bucky and Sam. Brendon turned around and gave it a few seconds. It wasn't long before he heard Parker let out a yell and glass shattering.

Brendon jogged out to the balcony. He looked down on an exhausted Sam and Bucky. He smiled softly and jumped down. He took so step as the noise of an arrow flew past him. He looked forward and saw Sam was cut free. Turning around Brendon noticed Cora standing her arm holding the bow falling to her side. Giving a thankful nod, Brendon turned around and striped toward Bucky. He looked down and smiled at his exhausted friend.

"Are you going to help me or not?"

Brendon chuckled and held his hand out for Bucky to take. Once he was fully standing, Bucky reached his flesh hand up and placed it on Brendon's cheek. Brendon smiled softly, closing his eyes and leaning into the touch.

"Come on lovebirds, we have a quinjet to get to." Cora called running past them. They joined her, Sam following close behind.

"Sam where from here?" Cora called. Sam called out the directions and the four ran meeting up with Steve, Crimsyn, and the other's.

Brendon glanced at Crimsyn. The man was decked out in all black, wearing a hood and mask so no one would identify him. He looked like a modern day ninja. Crimsyn nodded in acknowledgement to Brendon, earning a smile in return from the older man.

Silas came running up to Brendon's side smirking at the older man. The boy's suit was rather fancy. Black pants were tucked into black combat boots. A vest with a long tail and a hood was worn over a long sleeve shirt. On Silas's right hand the sleeve traveled down into a fingerless glove. The boy's set up was a dream to Brendon compared to his black leather trench coat.

Looking forward again the quinjet came into view. Brendon's pace, along with the other's, sped up. He ran up next to Bucky the two easily keeping each others pace.

A beam of plasma burned into the ground preventing them from moving forward. Brendon looked up and saw The Vision.

"Captain Rogers," The humanoid called out. "I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now."

As Vision gave his speech Tony flew down dropping Natasha. Brendon made eye contact with her and frowned. He turned his head as Rhodey dropped down to the ground, with T'Challa. Parker flew in soon after. A man Brendon had never seen before walked over. He wore a green suit with a hood that was off. In his hand was a bow. Next to him walked a women wearing a suit much similar to Natasha's. Brendon was able to recognize her as Anika, his daughter.

"What do we do, Cap?" Sam asked. Brendon glanced over at Steve awaiting an answer.

"We fight."

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