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"I ALREADY REGRET THIS." Howard grumbled as he adjusted his suit. Brendon chuckled, nodding his head. He was decked out in his own suit, equivalent to Howard's.

"You don't regret this Howie, you're just nervous." Brendon sighed looking at his brother through the mirror. Howard let out a deep sigh.

"They should be here." The younger twin mumbled. Brendon frowned, understanding who was being talked about. "More so I feel like I should be with Steve."

Brendon's frown deepened. He missed Bucky as much as Howard missed Steve. The two brothers still haven't gotten over the deaths that happened years ago.

Howard has handled it better, creating Steve a lasting legacy of Captain America. Comics being published, television shows airing every week. Kids admire the fallen hero and his team. Fire Storm is included in everything. But no one realizes it's Brendon Stark.

"You love her, Howard," Brendon elaborated.

"Not as much a I loved Steve." Howard retorted. Brendon sighed.

"You'll always love Steve. Just as I'll always love him." Brendon said sadly. Howard nodded. "Now let's go, you don't want to be late for your own wedding."

The ride to the headquarters of whatever place Brendon was taken to was chaotic. With every bump came a whimper from Brendon. His hearing and vision had come back but he paid no attention to the conversation that was going on between the man in the front, Steve, and Sam.

When they arrived the men yanked him out of the van, taking him back to when he was with HYDRA. His legs barley and the strength to carry themselves, leaving him to collapse. Steve soon jumped out and helped him up.

Are you ok?! Bucky's concerned voice echoed.

Every little movement causes pain. Brendon explained briefly.

Stay strong. Don't look behind you.

The urge to look behind was strong, but he obeyed Bucky. He noticed Steve looked back with a frown, but continued to obey Bucky.

A man with grey hair stepped forward with a smug look on his face, Sharon Carter behind him. She looked at Brendon in fear. He couldn't help but wonder if it was because of how bad he looked from the last hour of pain, or the fact that Brendon was with Bucky all this time.

"This is Everett Ross, Deputy Task Force Commander." Sharon introduced. Brendon looked at him warily.

"What about our lawyer?" Steve asked. Brendon glanced at Ross.

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