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STEVE WAITED PATIENTLY OUTSIDE THE MARSHALL'S LONDON HOME ANXIOUSLY. It had been an hour since Brendon went inside with his father. What made Steve anxious was the fact that this visit was supposed to be a quick visit. It also didn't help that Benedict Marshall was a complete asshole.

The first time Bucky and Steve met Benedict was a mistake. They turned down the wrong street on their way to school and ran into a man on his way to work. That man, Benedict, was not so kind to the sixteen and fifteen year old boys. He called the boys names and took his precious time to blame them for the state of the country.

"C'mon Captain we need the leave." Brendon suddenly called. He looked furious and an orange mist was dancing around his finger tips.

"Donnie your fingers," Steve pointed out. Brendon looked down to his hands and shrugged before shoving them in his pocket and continuing down the street.


"Colonel trust me, Schmidt will be here till the war is over." Brendon informed pointing to a map. The Colonel raised an eyebrow at Brendon.

"How do you know?"

"Schmidt and my father are apparently 'old friends' and when I went to see him this morning Schmidt was there," Brendon said running a hand through his hair. "He wanted me to join his ranks, especially because he knows about my powers."

"You said no?" Colonel Phillips asked.

"Would I be telling you this?" Brendon remarked. The Colonel scoffed and started walking away.

"He still in London?"

"No sir. Should have left an hour ago." Brendon informed following the Colonel.

"You're dismissed."

"Thank you." Brendon replied saluting. He walked away.

"Brendon you sneaky bastard!" A voice echoed in the halls. Brendon squeezed his eyes shut and turned to face Bucky.

"Hey Bucky." Brendon said extending the 'y' in 'hey.'

"Don't act all innocent." Bucky said. It was clearly written on his face that he was angry. "You went to see your father!"

"Well technically he's not my father, but yeah." Brendon sighed as Bucky shoved him against a wall.

"Why— wait what?" Bucky asked releasing pressure off Brendon's shoulders. "He's not your father?"

"One, you're being very kinky right now. Two, surprise! I'm not a Marshall I'm a Stark but the Marshall's are my cousins." Brendon replied. Bucky groaned.

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