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1980"Bucky!" Knock, knock, knock

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"Bucky!" Knock, knock, knock. "Bucky please I need your help!" A female voice was calling from outside Brendon's apartment. Brendon was trying to figure out if it was a dream or if someone was actually trying to find Bucky. With a grunt Brendon picked himself up.

"What do you want?" He asked when he opened the door. A young girl, probably in her twenties opened the door. She was taken aback seeing Brendon and hearing him talk so rudely.

"I'm. . . Um looking James Barnes. . . Back in 1940 he wrote letters to my mother. He said he'd help her but she ended up passing. I need his help though. . . Do you know where he is?" She asked. Brendon stared at her blankly.

"James Barnes died in 1945." Brendon spoke running a hand threw his, still, chocolate brown hair.  It was another side affect of his powers — he couldn't age. His skin was still pale and smooth, no wrinkles except from around his eyes from when he used to laugh. His hair only grows, no change in color. He hasn't seen a single white hair.


"But, I um. I can help you." Brendon said, unsure with his own words. "What do you need help with?" The girl fiddled with her fingers. "Here come in. . . What's your name?"

"Dolores, but people call me Dollie." She said walking in.

"I'm Brendon. People call me Donnie. I prefer Brendon though." Brendon said closing the door. She nodded and looked around with a nervous look. "So what do you need help with?"

"Well, Bucky, he planned things. . . And helped people." Dollie said. Brendon's eyes widened in realization. This girl was one of Bucky's 'clients.'

"Your one of Bucky's clients."

"Yes— well, no. My mother was, but I figured I could come for help anyway."

"I mean what exactly do you need help with?" Brendon asked. He gestured toward the kitchen table and had her sit down.

"You're not gonna. . ." She trailed off as she sat down causing Brendon to chuckle.

"Darling, I'm the reason Bucky started his little 'organization.'" Brendon said.

"Oh, really? You look very young, Bucky started the organization in the 30's, according to my mom." The girl stated.

"Yes, it's a long story." Brendon sighed.

"So you're ok that. . ."

"You like girls?" Brendon finished. She nodded. "Not at all, I like guys so I'm happy to help."

"Ok, well I've been telling my grandparents I have a boyfriend, because they are very against same sex relationships, but now they want to meet him. Problem is. . ."

"There is no guy, just a girl." Brendon said. She nodded. "When do they want to meet him?"

"Tomorrow." She said sheepishly.

"Oh shit." He mumbled to himself. "Ok, well I mean, I can be your boyfriend for the day."

The girls face lit up. "Oh my gosh! Thank you!"

"Of course." He muttered. This was going to be some story to tell.


The next night Dollie came to take Brendon to her grandparents house. Brendon dressed up nicely wearing a nice dress shirt and tie with black dress pants. Dollie was is a black dress with white polka dots. She had a white cardigan over to cover her arms.

Upon entering the house a young boy came running over. "Dollie!" He cheered. He had blonde hair like Dollie and big blue round eyes. He had to be at least ten years old. Same age as Tony. "Who's this?" The boy asked.

"This is my boyfriend, Brendon." She introduced. "Brendon, my little brother, Caleb."

"Hey little man," Brendon said squatting down to Caleb's level. "I've heard so much about you." Caleb blushed and nodded.

"Come, Brendon, you need to meet my grandparents." Dollie said tapping Brendon's shoulder. He nodded and stood up taking Dollie's hand.

As they walked through the small, yet quaint house Brendon looked at all the pictures taking in the beautiful family. He had to say, Dollie didn't get her good traits from her mother. From the pictures, her father had dirty blonde hair and strong jaw line but still managed to hold the feeling of a soft face.

"Ay! There's our girl!" An old man called from the kitchen. Brendon noticed he had a jacket with medals pinned to it. War vet.

"Hi Granddad." She chorused, letting go of Brendon's hand she walked over and kissed his cheek. "This is Brendon."

"Brendon. . . ?" He trailed off waiting for a last name.

"Stark, sir." He told him. Dollie's granddad froze and examined him.

"To hell it is. Man have you aged well."

"Thank you, sir." Brendon thanked.

"How'd it happen? How'd you stay so young through the years?" The old man asked.

"I was used as a test dummy during World War Two when I was a POW with the 107th. Whatever they did to me did something to my genes and I don't age anymore. I'm like this forever." Brendon explained. It was no secret either, everyone knew Brendon Stark was alive and well during World War II. They know that in the last forty years, he hasn't aged. The one thing they didn't know was how he managed not to age.

"Huh. One good thing those damn Nazi's did to you?"


"Dolores how come you never mentioned you were dating Brendon Stark." Dollie's grandmother asked.

"Darlin she never even mentioned a name!" Her grandfather complained.

"Blame me sir, I asked her not to tell anyone. It's just, I have enough journalist on my tail for being a Stark and staying young I didn't want to effect you guys." Brendon defended. Dollie's grandfather nodded in acceptance.

"Well, kiddo, I have something to show you." Her grandfather stated standing up. Brendon's breath hitched in the back of his throat. He suddenly grew very nervous as he followed the old man out to the living room.  "Now, I need you to do something for me."

"What is it, sir?"

"I need you to propose to her."

So he did. He proposed to Dolores Dawson.

It wasn't on easy turns. Brendon had told the man he wasn't ready for marriage but when the old man pulled out a knife and threatened his life he found he had no choice. The old man handed him a tiny box with a beautiful diamond ring and pushed Brendon into the kitchen. After the diner Brendon proposed, begging with his eyes she'd say yes.

And that she did.

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