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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

HOW THEY WERE GETTING OUT OF EVERYTHING ALIVE WAS BEYOND BRENDON. Outside hands helped, that's for sure. The four men met Jamie in a low-profile place. The young Stark brought them their suits. But Brendon didn't pay much attention. He decided to take a nap on Bucky's shoulder in the car. The next few days were going to be long ones and the amount of rest he'd be getting would most likely be small.

There was a moment when Brendon was slightly awaken by Bucky scooting over. He made a face of discomfort making Bucky rub circles in his shoulder.

Soon the four were off, following Jamie to the airport where they would meet some others. Bucky placed his hand on Brendon's thigh and squeezed softly, alerting Brendon of his anxiety. The younger man swiftly took the older man's hand in his own allowing him to play with it.

Are we worth all of this? Bucky asked.

Brendon frowned, his eyes still closed and head still on Bucky's shoulder. No, but to Steve I guess we are.

It wasn't long before the car swerved to a stop. Brendon opened his eyes and followed Bucky out of the car. The two watched from behind the car as Steve, Sam, and Jamie talked with their allies.

Wanda Maximoff smiled at Brendon from her position in front of Steve. Cora Barton stood rather close to the Maximoff girl leaving Brendon with a smirk on his lips. Clint Barton opened the door to his white van revealing a sleeping man. His setup was rather messy but the face of the man was rather attractive. He stepped forward and shook Steve's hand.

Brendon leaned in towards Bucky and whispered: "Rather attractive man, am I right?" Brendon looked at Bucky with a glowing smile. Bucky glared at him. The younger man chuckled and placed a quick kiss on the other's cheek.


The man turned and saw Crimsyn, who had a shadow. Brendon smiled and mad his way over the the young Calvin. The two embraced in a hug.

"How are you?" Crimsyn asked politely. Brendon shrugged his shoulders.

"I've been better." He sighed. "But, I'd like you to met someone." Crimsyn smiled brightly and looked past the older man. Brendon nodded and led him over. "Bucky, this is Crimsyn Calvin. Freddie's oldest son."

"Freddie's?" Bucky asked. Brendon nodded.

"It's an honour to meet you sir, my father spoke of you very fondly." The Calvin man spoke, holding his hand out. Bucky warily took the man's hand, shaking it.

"Thank you?"

Brendon smiled softly. Looking past Crimsyn he noticed a smaller figure. The fifteen year old boy was staring at the ground shuffling his feet.

"You shouldn't be here." Brendon told the boy. The boy scoffed and looked up.

"Sorry," Silas mumbled. "Crimsyn said you guys needed another kid."

Brendon sighed and nodded. "I just want you to be safe," he mumbles. Silas nodded and looked past Brendon. Brendon turned, following Silas's eyeline. He was staring at Bucky. "You wanna meet him?"

Silas looked down and blushed, nodding. Brendon chuckled and wraped an arm around the boy's shoulder.

"Bucky, this is Silas." Brendon introduced. Bucky's eyes looked down from Brendon to Silas.

"Hi." Bucky said with a slight nod.

"Hello, Mr. Barnes, it's great to officially meet you." Silas said respectively.

Brendon smiled at the two interacting. They carried their own conversation and Brendon just watched. Slowly, Brendon backed away leaving the two to converse on their own.

"Hey, Dad." Jamie's soft voice called. Brendon turned around and smiled at his daughter. "Did you know mom worked for HYDRA?" Jamie asked. Brendon sighed. He thought about it for a second before nodding.

"Easton saw me in Romania, he told me. Except I barley remember that. The cuffs messed with me." Brendon frowned. Jamie nodded slowly.

"Do you have any questions?" She asked.

"How to I have two more kids I didn't know about?" Brendon asked Jamie. His arms folded tightly across his chest.

"Well, you weren't in the room for my birthday, correct?" Jamie asked in response.

"Yeah, a nurse came out and took tests." Brendon mumbled. "But I don't remember the tests, I never did."

Jamie frowned at her father. "Well," She started, "Easton is my twin I'm a few minutes older than him. Anika, on the other hand, we don't know fully how she was conceived."

Brendon only hummed in response. That makes sense. Easton had told him he worked for HYDRA. Zola was there for the twins birth. Dolores must have given Easton up. It's shocking, however, that the boy grew up to go against HYDRA's beliefs. Brendon was glad nonetheless.

"Dies ist eine Notsituation. Alle Passagiere müssen den Flughafen sofort evakuieren." This is an emergency. All passengers must evacuate the airport immediately. A German voice called over the speaker.

Brendon and Bucky made eye contact from their positions. They simultaneously looked at Steve. "They're evacuating the airport." Bucky announced.

"Stark." Sam stated.

"Stark?" The attractive man asked.

"Tony." Brendon informed, walking toward him. "Brendon Stark."

"Scott Lang, or Ant-Man." The man said before shaking the ex-assassins hand rather enthusiasticly.

"Ant-Man?" Brendon asked raising an eyebrow.

"I go small." Scott stated briefly. Brendon nodded approvingly.

"Hey, Donnie, suit up." Steve told him. Brendon nodded and smiled at Scott before walking back to the car. Bucky was glaring in his direction. Brendon frowned but realized Bucky wasn't glaring at him.

"Bucky," Brendon chuckled. Bucky handed him his suit and continued to glare in Scott's direction. Brendon reached his hand up and tilted Bucky's chin so he would look at Brendon. The older man glanced down. With a chuckle Brendon leaned forward and kissed Bucky sweetly.

"Let's suit up."

ignis | b. barnes जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें