003 | homosexuals

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1938BUCKY and Brendon had a system

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BUCKY and Brendon had a system. When Bucky got sick he would stay at Brendon's home until he was better. His family has weak immune systems and he didn't want to get them sick. Plus, Winnifred had other things to take care of, he would have just gotten in the way. If Brendon was ever sick, Bucky would come over and take care of him. They had a system of taking care of each other.

Brendon sat relaxed on his couch reading the newspaper. A new war was breaking out and the paper was filled with split opinions on whether the country should enter the war. He flipped through the pages, fed up with the talk of war. He paused on a page with a picture of a young man. 'HOWARD STARK'S LATEST INVENTIONS.'

His eyes scanned the article briefly before tossing on the table in front of him. With a sigh he stood up, brushing off his clothes. He found a marker in the kitchen and took a piece of paper. In legible hand writing he started to write.

Bucky is here and sick please don't come in we can't risk you getting sick. Slip a note under the door if you need anything.

Next, taking tape Brendon taped it to the door for Steve to see. After that he decided to go in and make Bucky some soup.

Brendon was never upset Bucky was in his house. Typically he was scared. Since he met Bucky he started noticing how attractive the boy was. His icy blue eyes and how they sparkled. His charming smile. Oh don't get Brendon started on Bucky's laugh. The younger boy tried pushing his feelings away. He tried dating girls but they never made him feel the way Bucky made him feel.

The man Brendon talked to at his mother's funeral began sending him letters. He never gave a name, always signed 'HAWS.' The two developed a close relationship. Brendon felt safe talking to this man despite never seeing his face or knowing his name.

One day Brendon felt brave and told Haws that about his feelings for Bucky. Shockingly, Haws was accepting and told him it was a okay. The word he used was homosexual, someone who is attracted to their own sex. Haws helped Brendon understand and accept himself.

Something crashed in the other room. Brendon dropped the spoon into the soup and ran into the room. Bucky was on the ground muttering curse words.

"Bucky?" Brendon asked softly. Bucky curled up against the side of the bed. "Hey, hey, Buck." He knelt down next to his friend and lifted him up.

"I-I didn't know where you were." Bucky explained hugging himself. "I was scared you left."

"Why would I leave you?" Brendon asked. Bucky shrugged his shoulders. "I was making soup."

"Mh." Bucky hummed, leaning forward into Brendon. The younger boy held Bucky in his arms and looked down at his sick friend. "Soup sounds good."

"I'm sure, Buck." Brendon said, absentmindedly brushing hair out of Bucky's eyes. "Let's get you back in the bed, and then I'll bring you a bowl of soup. Sound good?"

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