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BRENDON, OR INGNIS HE COULDN'T TELL AT THE MOMENT, HAD BEEN ON THE RUN FOR A MONTH NOW. The ex-HYDRA agent moved from motel to motel. He searched for his lost memories hoping to find the missing puzzle pieces, his search constantly fell fruitless leaving him frustrated most of the time.

He spent most of his time searching on the internet. Going to one of the public libraries and using computers was the most efficient way in his eyes. It never dawned on the assassin to visit the Smithsonian.

Brendon knew he could go to Steve, a man who showed up in most of his memories, and figure out who he was and who all the people in his scattered memories were. But he didn't want to confront Steve until he knew exactly who Steve Rogers was.

An average day for the brown-eyed man was waking up early, three o'clock to be exact, and going for a run. Despite trying to stay on the low from HYDRA he still wanted to keep in shape. After his run, which usually lasted an hour, he would make himself a small breakfast before watching the news. He watched the news to make sure he or anyone else he knew was not in the news. Usually, while watching the news he would take out s history textbook from the local library and flip through the pages, checking to see what happened in the years since the car accident.

The accident, one of the first things that popped up when searching 'Brendon Stark.' He was confused to find he was announced missing. But as he continued to read the articles he found that almost a week later they announced him dead.

The world was confusing. That was Brendon's conclusion, the world was confusing. Maybe add cruel? Yes, cruel. He felt like it was shocking to find someone nice. Someone who wasn't out to get you.

It was at this point that Brendon was walking down the street to go to the library when someone bumped into him, catching him off guard and knocking him off his feet.

"Oh my gosh! Sir, I'm so sorry." The man who had knocked into him called out. Brendon blinked trying to process what happened. A hand was held out in front of his face, reluctantly he took it.

"It's ok." He responded, his voice sounded like a strangers and not his own.

"Mr. Stark?" The voice asked softly. Brendon's eyes widened and he looked at the man. "Is that really you?"

"I. . . Don't know." He whispered. The placed a hand softly on his arm.

"I could call Tony, he can help—"

"No!" Brendon whispered frantically. "No, I dint want to see him yet, I barley remember myself."

"Oh. Ok, well can I help you?" The man asked.

"I don't know. . ."

"Please, sir." The man asked. "I'm a good friend of Tony's I feel like I should help you."

Brendon didn't say anything. He just stood there, could he trust this man? What if he was with HYDRA? But then again, if it was HYDRA he'd be captured already.

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