Thirty-eighth scene

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"What are you doing here?" Jimin paused from his movement and shoved his bangs backwards facing the older in the door frame. "Shouldn't you be upstairs, sleeping, like a normal human being?"

"I should be asking you the same thing." Yoongi raised an eye brow and crossed his arms challengingly.

"I don't have the mood to exchange sarcasm with you right now." Jimin rolled his eyes and turned his back, slumping his back on the mirror and to the wooden floor.

Yoongi sighed and walked towards him, slipping both of his hands on the pocket of his orange hoodie. "What is it with you being a brat today?"

"I'm not a brat!"

"Fine, an upset puppy, what's the difference?"

"Just fuck off Yoongi."

"I didn't know you knew my name, cheonsa."

"I said fuck off!" Jimin buried his face on the crook of his arms as he hugged his legs, pulling them close to his chest.

Why does life enjoy to toy with his feelings so much?

Jimin's heart stops for a moment when he felt a hand drape over his hair. He lifted his head out of instinct but just as he did, Yoongi had placed his forehead on his own. Their faces were so close that Yoongi would tell his face reddening if he didn't have his eyes closed.

"You're awfully more annoying today, I'm not used to seeing you all depressed like this." Yoongi muttered. "I hate it."

"You hate everything about me," He quietly replied, although it pained him by that fact.

"That's unfortunately true." The older chuckled.

A long silence erupted between them but by that awkward position, they both felt surprisingly comfortable. He rested his head on Yoongi's shoulder as the latter engulfed him in his arms. How he wishes to stop this time forever.

"Stop working yourself too hard, okay?" Yoongi whispered softly.

"...I have to win. I can't afford to lose now."

"I know. But you can't keep on pushing yourself like this, you're already tired as it is."

Jimin wanted to believe that he really did care for him. He wanted to believe that everything that he says is full of sincerity. He wanted to believe that somehow there's a possibility of Yoongi liking him back.

"You know it, Yoongi. I need to win this, that's the reason why I agreed to this in the first place. But now that you and I are not partners anymore, I don't know if I have a winning chance. That's why I will strive to be perfect so I can guarantee my win."

Yoongi pulled away from the hug and stared into his misty hazel brown eyes. "You don't need to be perfect, you're so so beautiful, talented and kind. You're perfect the way you are, Jimin."

"Why... why are saying this to me? Why now?" Jimin couldn't help the tear that left his eye, running down his cheeks unconsciously.

Once again, Yoongi did not say anything. Instead he leaned down and pressed his lips unto the younger's head. Jimin could feel his heart thumping rapidly in his chest. Yoongi's gaze could almost melt his entire being.

"Because you deserve to be loved."

THE next day arrived, only 24 hours left before the big show will commence. Needless to say, ever since the incident occured yesterday, that moment in which he supposedly had to forget his feelings for Yoongi only grew stronger. And he knew for a fact that telling him would not be the best case scenario. Besides, the show will end... and so does their deal.

Regretfully so, as he was lacking in focus, he accidentally missed a step in the choreo and fell down to the cold floor with a grunt. Jungkook gasped and rushed to his side immediately.

"Hyung! Are you okay?"

Jimin held his ankle, hissing from the pain that he just now felt. Jungkook's hand trembled all over not knowing what to do at the moment. He was about to fish for his phone from his back pocket when Jimin stopped him by the arm.

"No, don't call for help."

"But hyung!"

"I'm fine, Kook. Don't worry. Besides, we can't stop practicing now that tomorrow is the big day." Jimin helped himself to get back on his feet.

"No, hyung it might worsen! Let's go to the infirmary." Said Jungkook with a worried expression on his face.

"I just slipped, it's no big deal." The older shrugged off the hand that was draped unto his shoulder. Jimin noticed Jungkook's lack of response, he knew he was only looking out for him. He sent him a smile and patted his head. "If you're that worried, I'll take a quick visit at the infirmary later."

"You promise?"

"Yeah. Now let's continue the practice!"

JUST like that, here they were standing on the backstage that very next day as the opposing group were performing for their final practice. Jimin sat alone in a corner nervously and twiddled with his fingers. Jungkook was still finishing up his make up on the dressing room.

He then felt a pat on top on his head.

"Stop feeling nervous, you'll do just fine."

He looked to the side and saw the most gorgeous man he ever laid his eyes own. His hair was now dyed platinum blonde as he wore a leather jacket over his plain white sweatshirt and a pair of ripped jeans. He looked smoking-- average. He looked average.

"I didn't ask for your encouragement but thanks, akma."

Yoongi flickered his finger to his forehead but didn't "You won't stop being a little brat, huh?"

"No sir!" The male grinned.

"What's up with that hair? It's like a purple cotton candy." The older smirked pertaining to his newly dyed purple hair. He personally didn't want to color it thinking it didn't suit him but he ended up liking the results anyway.

"If you're gonna compliment me, at least try to be more high-key. I would understand, I'm pretty awesome!"

"I wouldn't go there if I were you, cheonsa."

"You like me." Jimin winked teasingly hoping the older would take it as a joke which the latter absolutely did.

"You wish."

They both laughed letting all of their anxiety drown in each other's comfort. They continued to mock one another for the next five minutes until Jungkook appeared out of the dressing room and waving his hand out to get both of their attention.

"Jimin hyung! Elixir said we'll be practicing next!"

"Be right there!" Jimin shouted back. He hopped out of the platforms where he and Yoongi were sitting at. "Well, see you later akma! Try not to fall for me when you see me dance!"

"I wouldn't be worried if I were you." Yoongi snorted, a small smile appearing on his lips.

"I'll try to mock you as best as I can when you perform on the stage later!" The younger male stuck his tongue out at him before sprinting away.

Yoongi could only lean back, putting all of his weight by the palm of his hands as his smile slowly disappeared from his face. No, that couldn't be an accident. He definitely heard the wince that came out of Jimin's mouth the moment his feet came in contact with the ground.

What was that about?

I'm thinking about writing again... but my brain and hands won't let me

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