Twentieth scene

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"Yet, the second elimination has come. And like before, the top three pairs are safe from today's elimination." Elixir stated, the lads once again gathered together in the living room. "Today, we will say goodbye to two people from the show yet again. You've all worked so hard from the last matching, you must be proud of that."

Jimin was pretty clam knowing that he was safe from getting eliminated. Thanks for that hug scene he had with Yoongi unconsciously at the tattoo shop. Sometimes he surprise even himself. He proudly patted himself mentally at the back.

"Basing from the audience vote... The two who will leave for today is, Kim Jongin and Do Kyungsoo."

"I'm sorry, you two did well but it's time to leave. You may enter the interview room for your final interview and you may pack your bags." The two males stood up with tearful eyes, saying their last farewells to their close friends. "A car will come to get you both and take you back at Seoul later. Thank you for being with us!"

When the two left and Elixir spoke once again. "Alright gentlemen! You may have heard the issue from yesterday. There was a leakage of today's episode and thankfully the show's staff handled it quickly. But because of this leak, the viewers were left demanding to see more of the Yoonmin couple."

"Votes went up the roof, wanting the couple to be paired once again. To be fair from the other pairs, we didn't go with the audience's vote as of this round of matching. So we decided that, the staff and I will be pairing you randomly." Elixir stated, reading the flash cards that the staff had made for her. It was the list of the made pairs.

Jimin could hear the complaints of the others knowing they could be paired up by a weird contestant or worse the devil himself. But him on the other hand was mentally celebrating his victory. Of course, if the show would've followed the audience vote, it will be most likely that he will be partnered up with the devil again and he doesn't want that to happen for the second time.

"The first pair in line is Taehyung and Jimin, Tae-min! The best friend goals couple!"

Jimin glanced at his best friend and grinned, showing him a finger heart to which the other gave back. Elixir continued to dictate names and their partners for the third matching. He didn't fully understand why he can't be paired with Yoongi again just because of the leaked video but it's not like he was gonna complain. Though thinking about it, it would've been perfect if they were paired again so they could start at their pretentious act.

"Yoongi and Jungkook!"

Jimin shifted his eyes to the white haired male who looked so bored from his seat and his partner a few seats from him was shaking, like frightened of some sort. Then he thought about what Namjoon said about acting jealous in a subtle way. It was perfect timing!

He acted all sad and disappointed for not having to be paired with the devil, but inside he was mentally celebrating with the angels. Hopefully his little and subtle reaction was caught on camera and the fans will see through the TV. He wanted to smile for his victory in acting but he retained the melancholic look on his face.

"And finally, Namjoon and Hoseok!"

Yoongi then raised his hand earning the MC's attention as soon as she finally finished up declaring their pairs. "Hey, creepy woman, I don't get why it was unfair for the other pairings just because the video of me and Jimin's were leaked. It was clear that they wanted us to be paired again."

"It's Elixir," Elixir teasingly remark not the least bit offended of what the guy just called her. "Well Yoongi-ssi, because of the video, you had a head start of the votings which means you were already way ahead from the other pairs. That doesn't seem any fair to other contestants. So as of now, we were the one who made the couples. But the next round will go back to the audience vote!"

Yoongi turned his head to look at Jimin who also looked at him in unison. They quickly averted their gazes and nodded their heads. "Alright."


That night, the staffs ordered that the pairs should be in one room which means Jimin wasn't gonna sleep on the same bed with Yoongi again! That news made his day! Goodbye loud snoring ass devil!

When he went to the room that he and Yoongi shared before to grab the few belongings he had. The older male was there sitting at the edge of the bed as if expecting someone to come in. Yoongi stood up as soon as he saw Jimin walk through the doorstep. "Leave, hurry and get your stuffs."

Jimin scoffed and nodded his head. "Yeah I will! It's not like I want to be with you anyway." He marched his way on the drawer beside the bed and grabbed his things. "I want you to know, I didn't have any fun with you as my partner!"

When he turned around, he saw Yoongi's face was close enough to feel his breath on the skin of his face. Jimin gulped and looked eye to eye with the older while feeling the change of speed of his heartbeat. "But what if I said that I did?"

What the fuck is this devil talking about?


Yoongi rolled his eyes and averted his eyes to the left, motioning about something behind him on his left part. When he still didn't get what he was trying to say, Yoongi sighed in annoyance and mouthed the word 'camera' to him. It took Jimin a full ten seconds to realize what he was actually doing. He's already starting his act!

There was a camera installed in each of the rooms that they can turn off for their privacy. But right now the camera was still on so it was recording everything! Jimin finally caught on what he was planning so he gathered up his courage to act along with him.

He draped his arm to Yoongi's shoulder and smiled. "You know I'll miss you right?"

The older seemed to be surprised at first but recovered quick. He placed both of his large palms on his petite waist. "You call yourself an angel yet you're so bad. So bad that you need a punishment."

"Well that just means I have you to punish me, right devil?" Jimin leaned in with a seductive look that only lasted for a while. A snicker suddenly left his mouth as he pushed Yoongi by the shoulder. "Alright akma, you had your fun! Too bad, you know your charms won't work on me. That was hilarious though!"

Yoongi smirked, throwing and arm on his nape. "Yep you're right. Besides, why would I take interest in you? I'm more into sexy men, not little brats."

"Don't call me a brat, punk!" The blonde male spat while rolling his eyes. "That's it, I'm leaving! Good riddance!"

Short chap but I swear the story will progress... somehow. I hope the story is not moving too fast, or too slow for that matter. Tell me what you guys think 😭

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