Twenty-sixth scene

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Yoongi groaned for the tenth time hearing Jimin's muffled cries up until the end of the movie. He wouldn't lie if he said he didn't look stupidly cute right now. "Jimin for crying out loud, stop crying out loud!"

"I-I can't help it! S-She— T-The song— MAMA COCO!" And he bursted into tears once again, comically blowing his nose on his second box of tissue.

"Your sniffles are the only thing I'm hearing and I never got to focus on the movie. I thought you watched the movie before, why are you so emotional?" Yoongi rolled his eyes at him.

"I-I can't help it! It's too sad!"

Yoongi leaned forward to pause the movie in his laptop, it was almost ending anyway and they were about to watch another. But he couldn't take anymore of Jimin's silliness. "Geez, wait here. I'm gonna grab you some water."

"N-No, I'll come down with you. I want to grab some snacks, maybe it'll make me feel better." The younger said in the middle of sniffles.

It was already pass midnight without them realizing and all of their housemates were already drifted off to bed. They quietly ambled to the kitchen to grab some snacks to eat while they continue their third movie for the day. Yoongi tiptoed to reached the cupboard and brought out different types of sweets. "Let's get high — of desserts." He let out a knowing smirk.

"Now you're talking my language!"

The two were now seated at the edge of the pool, since Yoongi decided that the other should calm down a bit. They both were eating to their heart's content while gazing at the starry night. Yoongi was currently showing Jimin how to 'properly' spread jam into the bread. "And then you eat it! That's basically how you eat a bread with jams in it."

"Woah let me try!" Jimin ecstatically mimicked the older's movement from before that he committed to memory. He took a bite soon later and moaned in delight. "Oh damn! I never knew how fucking good jam is!"

"It's probably because you've got no jams." Yoongi smugly chuckled. "Ah the meme never gets old."

Instead of getting upset, Jimin laughed along with the older much to his surprise. When their laughs both died down he flashed Yoongi a smile. "I can't believe I'm gonna say this but you're actually a great guy Yoongi."

"Oh? How so? I'd like to hear the point of view of an angel." Yoongi snickered.

"Well for starters, you're pretty funny for a guy with a badass attitude."

Yoongi paused turning to face the younger in a clearer view. He slowly leaned in closer that made Jimin gulp nervously. "There's lots of things you don't know about me."

"So why don't you tell me?" Jimin challengingly replied despite the tension he's feeling.

The older blonde shrugged, backing away slowly. "Too many to mention."

"Then let's start on this question, why did you enter the show?"

Yoongi snorted as he dipped his bare feet into the cold pool water. His thoughts ran to the back of his mind where the memories he wanted to forget was located. But it was hard to forget when it was already scarred to his brain. "I needed the money to feed myself." He simply replied.

"Are you living all by yourself?"

"Sort of."

"But what about your parents?"

Behind the scenes | Yoonmin | BTSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon