Nineth scene

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Second day on the House or cards, they were having a one by one interview. Jimin was waiting patiently for his turn, playing with his phone on the couch to pass the time. Taehyung was also on his phone, head resting on Jimin's lap.

"Kim Taehyung, you're up!" A staff shouted and the boy quickly stood up.

"See you later Chim!"


Taehyung was called at the interview room located at the far back of the house. From what Jimin heard from the past people who just recently came out, the room was only filled out by a small couch at the center, a table parallel to the seat and a camera that films you. A bowl of questions are placed beforehand and you pick a random question to answer, it's like a one-sided interview to put it simply.

Jimin was feeling more bored than before so he stood up from the couch and decided to grab a drink in the fridge. He saw the last bottle of cola and smiled feeling lucky that he gets to have the last one. But unfortunately, his luck wasn't his friend for too long.

A person snatched the plastic bottle from his hands, opened it and drank it until the last drop. "Thanks for the drink kid." The guy smirked and tapped the empty bottle on Jimin's cheek, grabbing his hand firmly and placed the bottle in his grasp.

"Hey that was mine!" Jimin shouted pissed off to the core. Nope, he's not letting him get away this time!

"Oops, that was yours? Oh, I would apologize if I give a fuck but I don't." The guy spat and started to walk off.

Jimin rolled his eyes in disbelief before staring at the bottle in his hands. He gritted his teeth and threw the empty bottle at the guy's head, hitting him perfectly. The blonde male smirked and crossed his arms as the guy turned around with fire in his eyes. "Oh, my hand must've slipped! I guess I'll have to say sorry but I don't give a fuck either."

Everybody inside was looking at the two of them, not planning to get in the way. They all knew better than to mess with Min Yoongi, everyone knew except for Jimin. Seriously, they were all a bunch of scaredy cats, that guy is not the least bit intimidating. Besides, Jimin has been going to the gym once in a while so he can probably hold a candle to Mr. SNSD legs.

Yoongi cluck his tongue and pulled up his sleeves, the tattoos on his arms peeking slightly. He growled and charged at Jimin, making him flinch alongside with some of the people around them. Suddenly, all of Jimin's confidence flew out of his body when Yoongi grabbed unto his collar almost lifting him off the floor. Holy shit! This guy is a lot stronger than he looks!

Jimin gulped softly as the older's gaze pierced into his soul. His eyes were burning him bit by bit and if he doesn't avert his pupils in a matter of seconds, he'd be a dead man. The grip of the man grew tighter by the second that which only made Jimin more afraid. "Listen kid, I warned you once before. I ain't scared to beat the shit out of you in front of the camera if it means to get your shit together. You don't mess with me little boy."

"Oh so it's okay to pick on people as long as they don't do it to you? Funny how fucked up that sounds, I recalled you're a devil that needs to be thought a lot of serious human rights." Jimin sassily spat back, coughing momentarily.

"Huh, you're just acting nice and almighty to everyone. You think you're so angelic but halle-fucking-lujah, you're just another piece of shit in this world. So do yourself a favor and fucking go home prick."

Jimin was shoved back as soon as his feet hit the ground but the words struck to him was still piercing him inside. He balled his raging fists watching the man turn his back on him and walk away. "What do you know? Have you ever been in that position when you tried everything to make everyone happy even though you're the only one hurting inside? Have you ever thought of others first before your very own state? I bet you haven't, because all you think about is yourself!"

The man stopped on his tracks but didn't turn to his direction. Jimin sniffed and let a tear fall out of his eyes. "I may be a useless piece of shit as you say, but at least I'm doing something to change that! All my life I've been thinking that to myself, I never once did anything worthy but I'm still trying to make my parents proud of me! It means a lot to me to see them happy! But what about you?"

Jimin scoffed and a bitter chuckle escaped his mouth. "You step on other people to think you're higher and better than the rest of us! You love to see people hurting from your grasp and never have to get away with it! If anyone is a fucked up useless piece of shit here, it's you! Because you're a disgrace to humanity, to your family and to yourself."

Yoongi slightly turned his head to him. "It's like what you said, what do you know?" And finally left the room, leaving outside the house.

The people around was awfully quiet, not being able to move on from what they just witnessed. So dramas in reality shows were real after all, he was convinced that they were all a bunch of fake and scripted argument but now his perspective changed knowing he experienced it first hand.

It seemed ridiculous to find out their fight all started because of a soda and in a blink of an eye, things went way too personal. As petty as that may sound, Jimin was still hurting from the words he said to him.

He leaned his back at the counter for support and breathed in and out heavily. A familiar face came running to him with a worried look. "Jimin hyung! Are you okay? Do you need water?"

The older shook his head and gripped into his arm tightly. "I'm fine Jungkook, thanks." He leaned his head to his shoulder as the boy hugged him back to comfort him in the least.

"Can you please edit this part out?" Jungkook tried pleading to the staff who were around.

Min Yoongi is the fucking worst.


It was now Jimin's time to enter the interview room. Ten minutes have passed since the incident and he finally calmed down thanks to Jungkook. Taehyung has also heard about what happened and quickly came to his comfort as fast as he could. He felt disappointed to himself because he wasn't there for him when he needed him the most.

Jimin sat down on the small couch, feeling uncomfortable and awkward to see a camera filming him. He saw the bowl in front of him almost half empty. He reached his hand out to grab a question for him to answer, he was supposed to pick three before it's over.

He unfolded the piece of paper and read the question aloud. "Who would you want to be eliminated first? That's an easy question, I think everyone watching this would figure out too. Min Yoongi."

He picked up another question in the bowl. 'Who's most likely you prefer to be paired up with?' Jimin smiled at the camera widely. "I would choose my best friend, of course, Kim Taehyung because he's really charming and lovable and I think I'll be most comfortable with him around. My next choice will most likely be Jungkook."

He's been doing great in his interview so far. One more to go and it's over!

'Special mission: Hug the person you dislike the most within the show, you've got until the end of the week'

...Oh poop. He's screwed.

This chapter got deleted from my drafts so I had to make another one, sucks. So yeah, don't blame me for the delay, it's their fault! *points at random stranger* I'll update the next chapter within the week or so... probably.

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