Twenty-nineth scene

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"Stop, you're squishing me idiot!" Jimin shouted in annoyance as he sat on the floor in between Yoongi's legs who was sitting in the sofa without a care.

Yoongi encircled his thin arms around Jimin's shoulder and moved closer, his lips scraping the surface of Jimin's ear. "Then stop moving, idiot." He whispered.

Jimin blushed as he felt Yoongi's breath when he whispered in his ear. He then stayed still and focus his attention to the brown haired dog, Holly. They just found out that Holly was abandoned and was taken care of the Seoul Animal Welfare ever since.

Jimin smiled when Holly went up to him for a cuddle. He brushed its curly locks causing Holly to lick his hand excitedly. This action made him giggle. He was so engrossed that he haven't even notice the envious stare Yoongi was giving him.

Yoongi took the bowl of fresh strawberries and ate as Jimin played with the dog. Suddenly, Yoongi had the most genius idea plotted in his head. He then stretched his hand out to pick a strawberry and aligned it in front of Jimin's mouth, implying Jimin to open his mouth and eat it.

Jimin noticed the fruit that was handed out to him and arched his eye brows in confusion. "What do you think you're do—" He swiveled his body to look at Yoongi only to see his smirking face that was only a few inches away from him. Shocked, he was rooted in his place, unable to know what to think.

Yoongi's smirk grew wider when he saw Jimin gulped nervously. He was really enjoying seeing the younger flushed and embarrassed.

"Open up, babe." Jimin's body seemed to have its own mind as though he followed what the older told him too. He hesitantly opened his mouth while Yoongi fed him the strawberry inappropriately explicit. They locked their eyes at each other.

Their face was just a few inch apart when Holly barked loudly causing them both to jolt up in startlement. Only then Jimin noticed Taehyung and Jungkook staring at them weirdly. Jimin cleared his throat, completely ashamed before going back to play with Holly as Yoongi kept on feeding him from time to time.

Meanwhile, Jungkook who was also sitting on the living room floor a few feet away from where they're at. The pair had an awful lot of tension between them and a tinge of awkwardness. He felt somewhat jealous of the two of them so openly close. He then noticed the older's apathetic look.

"What's the matter?" Jungkook asked the male beside him.

"It's none of your business." Taehyung spat grimly.

"I was asking it in a nice way. You don't have to be so rude about it." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Then why don't you learn how to stop butting in other people's business?" The latter frustratedly stated, standing up in the process.

"Look, I know we had a horrible past but we shouldn't let that get in between of what we have now." Jungkook also got on his feet.

"Well you should've thought about that before deciding to deceive me into your fake love, right Jungkook?" Taehyung spat sarcastically, picking up Miri and headed out the door afterwards.

Jungkook let out a sigh, disappointed on how things work out between the two of them and exited the living room as well. Namjoon and Seokjin had heard their conversation unintentionally and sat there feeling awkward, continuing to play with their dog nonetheless.


For the next three days, the little trio spent countless of hours training Holly to be the very best. Although, Jimin had a more difficult time getting Holly to pay attention to him as the dog had taken a liking to Yoongi. He wanted to blame Yoongi, but he understood that he needed to try harder.

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