Twenty-third scene

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"Nae unmyeongin geol

Don't smile to me

Light on me

Neoege dagaseol su eopseunikka

Naegen bulleojul ireumi eopseo,"

His eyes snapped open after having that strange dream. He couldn't see anything but black... However that melodic voice singing in his sleep, who was it? It wasn't creepy like those horror movies he watched, it was calming and it sent a wave of comfort into his heart. What could this mean? Who was that person singing in his head?

Jimin lifted up his upper body with the support of his elbows and looked around the empty infirmary. No one was there, not even Jungkook. He went back to bed with a confused mindset but finally came with a conclusion that it was all a weird dream. And yet he hopes he will hear that voice again.

The next morning, everyone had an early game of volleyball at the beach. Jimin was so bummed out he couldn't participate since his leg was still injured. The staff told them that he's still exempted from the games and missions as for now. Though Taehyung came and decided to take care of him for the day since Elixir told them that they've got free time for today.

Taehyung was still tackling him in a hug that was currently lasting for five minutes. "I'm really sorry Jiminie! If I didn't tell us to go to that area, you never would've hurt yourself! It's all my fault I'm such a bad friend!"

"Taehyung, we've been going on with this for five minutes. It's not your fault! You never would've known that that part was a danger zone." Jimin replied assuringly. Jungkook explained everything to him yesterday when he was here.

"Still! If I never let my stupid mouth suggest stupid things, you wouldn't be hurting right now! And even then I didn't even got the chance to help you!"

"Tae stop it! It's not your fault and I would never ever blame you for it okay? Now stop whining or I'll punch you until you stop blaming yourself." Taehyung sniffed as Jimin wiped his tear with his thumbs and nodded slowly. "Good. And besides, I had Jungkook to help me so don't worry!"

Taehyung paused and tilted his head. "Wait who?"

"Jungkook duh! I'm really thankful that he saved me. Seriously I owe him so much, I don't know how to repay his kindness." Jimin covered his face with his sweater hands.

"Jungkook? But the one who saved you was Y—"

"Jimin hyung I'm back!" Taehyung was suddenly interrupted when a male appeared from the doorstep. Jungkook's smile faded when he saw the two. "Uh did I come at a bad time?"

"No no! Tae and I were just chatting! What have you got there?" Jimin smiled motioning the brunette to come closer.

Jungkook lifted up the baggie with a grin. "Seafood! I'm sure you're hungry and I heard you like s—"

"Can we talk in private?"

Both Jimin and Jungkook turned to look at the male. Jungkook warily nodded his head and placed the plastic on the side table. "Alright I'll leave you two alone."

Before the youngest could leave, Taehyung grabbed him by the arm. "No, I meant us." Jungkook's eyes went wide in realization. Jimin also had a similar reaction to him because this was a first. He never really saw the two of them talk together in the show.


Taehyung looked at Jimin as if asking for permission to leave but the male just nodded his head, still in shock to formulate words. "We'll be back in a bit."

When Taehyung and Jungkook finally left, Jimin wondered what could those two be hiding. He knew there was something up between them and he just doesn't see it. He feels the tension whenever they're around each other and don't think he misses the way they steal glances at each other. It wasn't the I'm-infatuated-with-you kind of look but more of a I-don't-wanna-see-you look. He needs to find out what they're hiding one way or another.

Taehyung pushed Jungkook to the wall as soon as they got out, anger visible on his eyes. Jungkook let out a soft grunt. "What are you planning Jeon Jungkook? Tell me."

"W-What are you talking about?"

The older growled and tightened his grip on his collar. "Don't try to fool me again asshole. I know what you're doing. You're making Jimin fall into your trap, acting all kind, caring and sweet but you and I both know that you're nothing but a fake."

"Oh so now you wanna talk about the past." Jungkook scoffed. "Funny, I think I recall you ignoring me for the past few days."

"Don't turn the situation upside down and act like you're the victim again Jungkook. You're trying to make Jimin fall for you the same way you did to me but guess what, I won't let you hurt him understand? I'm not gonna be fooled by the same person twice. You can go for anyone you please except for Jimin, especially Jimin."

"Look who's talking! The person who cheated first actually has the balls to lecture me." The younger laughed sarcastically not fazed by Taehyung's deathly glare.

"I repented from that sin long ago, I asked for your forgiveness. Instead you played me for a fool! You lied to me and you tricked me into thinking you really forgave me but you didn't. You hurt me Jungkook." Taehyung's face went red from all the frustration building up inside him. Suddenly the painful past he tried hard to forget came back to him in a snap. "But I'm not gonna let you hurt Jimin, not this time. I'm not gonna stay at the sidelines and watch you lie all over again."

"But what if I really have feelings for him?"

Taehyung chuckled bitterly. "Jimin is so special and precious, someone like you don't deserve him."

"And Yoongi does? Is that what you are implying?" Jungkook lifted a brow.

"At least Yoongi is true to himself and his feelings, unlike you." The older finally let's go of his grip from Jungkook's clothes. The latter finally breathed stably and fixed his crumpled shirt. "I'm not gonna tell Jimin that you lied to him. I'm gonna let you do that yourself. For once, stop lying and face the truth, for Jimin's sake."

Jungkook didn't reply and stared down at his toes.

"You can lie for as long as you want but the truth will always come out Jungkook, always. It's better if you say the truth to Jimin yourself rather than him finding it out from somebody else. Take that from me and actually listen to me for once."

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