Authors Note

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Hi and thank you for reading! If you've gotten this far you're probably wondering, what the heck now? So before I continue please put down the pitchfork and blow out the torches, we're all friends here! Since I started this book, I have been planning a trilogy so there will be a second book which I will start drafting in January 2020. This time I won't post first draft chapters because it's a lot of work having to take them off and rewrite, I also want to have a better version posted for those who actually read! If I get my butt in gear you guys can have the second book by April 2020. 

Now to thank a few people who have made this journey possible. 

First off my mom voskop (yes she has Wattpad but please don't spam my mom guys) your support through out this whole crazy process has made all of the difference. From breaking down plot point, listening to me babble on about characters and even the times when you thought your ears were going to fall off, you still stuck it out. I couldn't have done it without you! 

CannibalisticNecro for the beautiful covers that I have loved since day one! You brought my story to live in more ways than one and I can't thank you enough for that.

lesserknown1 you have been a huge support and inspiration to me since the very first chapter. When I felt down about this story your comments revived my writing spirit and I can't thank you enough for that!

jirogzy Your unwavering support kept me going on some my worst days. My therapist and convidant, always there to lend a ear and this crazy process I call writing would not have happened without you. Thank you for the support and encouragement.

Black_Bubblegumzz Your comments have literally slayed me, they had be doubled over in laughter more times than I can count. You immersed yourself in my crazy little adventure and reminded me why I do what I do. A friend like is like a diamond, valuable and precious.

maramartha Our debates on character tropes and cliches are my bread and butter. Your stong voice of reason has cut through the white noise so many times when I started drifting from the plot and even if you don't know it, I love our friendly writer debates! In that, you have pushed me to be a better writer.

Memoire8 You are my soul sister! My partner in crime, my ride or die chick! Having you in my corner has made me stronger and you are an absolute gem. If anything I thank Wattpad for bringing us together! Please never change my friend for you are one in a million!

poli1982 My first ever avid reader! You gobbled up chapters faster than I could get them out! Know this, this book was written with you in mind every single chapter and those stars you tapped meant the world to me!

-OuttaTheWayNERDS- Where do I even start? Your crazy but my kind of crazy and your a friend like no other. Your pep talks and no nonsense attitude has kicked my butt into gear many times over. We bonded over weird SA stuff and I'm honoured and super thankful to be able to call you a friend!

I have realized something over this whole crazy idea of mine, no one can or should do it alone. I consider myself blessed that I had people believing in me and my story. Each and every one of you played a fundamental part in the process and I am forever thankful.

So cheers for now, I'll see you all again for the next installment!

Happy reading

Happy readingShellz

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