Chapter 10 - Coincidence

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The following day after school Noah and I met at the library

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The following day after school Noah and I met at the library. After finding the creature in the woods, we decided to dig a little deeper. I still didn't have all my memories back but one. I knew that thing attacked me, I knew that changed me but I didn't know how I got back home again.

I sat in front of the library computer, researching as much as I could about Biotech. My eyes fluttered and my head drooped but I was still nowhere close to having an answer.

All I had so far was that Biotech was a big company doing medical research and specialized in biotechnologies. Not much in the way of saying, "Hey we make creatures that crave human flesh."

That told me that they had the capability to do something like this but I had nothing to support that claim. All I know for sure is that Dr. Benette worked for Biotech and was now a flesh-eating zombie as Noah so lovingly put it.

After last night, Noah shared his theory with me, saying I was also a zombie. I thought he was blowing the shit out of his ass.

Much to my surprise, Noah was loving this whole mystery thing. His excitement made me want to strangle him. If I really was a zombie then I'd say he was too peppy for me.

I pulled up google on the old computer and started typing in Dr. Benette's name alongside Biotech. One article, in particular, caught my attention.

Before I could open the link, Noah jumped next to me. I let out a startled yelp and narrowed my eyes at him.

"I think I found something," he said.

The excitement in his eyes didn't go unnoticed and for the hundredth time, I contemplated strangling him. 

I sighed, "Please tell me what you found, I really don't want to guess."

I rubbed my tired eyes, even my body felt depleted. We have been here over two hours but nothing really jumped out at me. To make matters worse, the hunger was back and it took my concentration with it. So that left me with one of two options, feed again or turn into a mindless corpse who turns people into an all you can eat buffet.

"Fine, but you're taking the fun out of it."

Rolling my eyes, I smacked Noah's forehead, "Focus."

"Ow, what was that for? Do you really need to get physically abusive?"

I laughed and he rubbed the spot between his eyes, not that I had actually hit him that hard but he was giving me puppy dog eyes anyway.

"Man up darling," I said in a horrible southern accent.

Noah and I both burst out laughing and it loosened some of the tension I had been feeling in my chest all day. My dream had changed, Dr. Benette wasn't the monster anymore, instead, it was me hurting the people I cared about. What if I turned into the thing that she was and I lost myself.

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