Between Boops and Giggles

Start from the beginning

"No, I really wouldn't do that Louis. I'm not like that. I promise," he continued, trying to assure me.

"Hey, no worries," I said putting a hand on his shoulder. "I trust you."

"You should."



"And then over here is the Freshman assembly hall," I said, pointing down the hall.

"Wow, you know this school really well," he said, smiling up at me.

"I've been here a while. I get it. You want to know the secret to learning the place?"


"Well, that map won't help you. The houses blend into each other. The first house is connected to the third house by a long hallway. It's also connected to the second house if you follow the lockers. And then the third house is connected to the fourth house by the lockers as well. In the lobby, you can find the buildings more easily as well. But you'll get used to it. And then you'll be a pro!"

"You make it sound easy," Louis said.

"It will be, just keep trying," I smiled.

"Sure," he smiled back.



"NO NO NO!" I screamed, running into the psychology lab at the speed of light.

"NO!" I lunged, falling forward and flopping onto the floor.

"Why can't students ever be here on time?" The teacher said annoyed, closing the door.

I coughed and laid on the floor for the minute, trying to recollect the air that I just knocked out of my lungs.

"Are you alright Mr. Tomlinson?" She asked.

"Maybe... I don't know. I'm testing Gate Control Theory," I said weakly.

"Then further distract yourself from your pain by making your way to your seat please."

Harry walked over and offered me a hand.

"No... leave me here to die with the dust bunnies," I snorted.

The rest of the class laughed, but Harry pulled me up and dragged me to my seat.

"Louis you're going to get dirty," he chided.

"Frankly my dear, I just don't give a damn."



"No talking in the Library!" The librarian called from the middle of the room.

"Sorry," I whispered, only to be shushed by every one.

I raised my hands in surrender and looked back down at my book.

A note flicked onto the open page.

I looked over at Louis who smiled and went back to reading.

[Ever play the silent library game?]

I took out a pencil and began to scribble on it.

[The what?]

I tossed it back to him.

He started to write and passed it back.

[The game where you have to do these ridiculous things, but not laugh or disturb anyone else]

[No I've never played]

[Oh, it's a must. It's quite entertaining]

[Okay, let's try]

He went into his bag and pulled out his laptop, and opened something else. He passed it to me and passed the note back.

[photobooth challenge. Make something funny, screen shot it, and pass it back. First one to laugh loses]

[You're on]

We only got to pass the laptop back and forth three times before we both were laughing so hard that we got kicked out of the library.

For a month.



"SUPERMANNNNNN" I heard someone scream, flying down the stairs in a plastic bin and crashing into a wall.

"HARRY EDWARD STYLES YOU ARE GOING TO BE SUSPENDED FOR LIFE!" Mr. Patterson roared, chasing after him.

"Isn't that expulsion?" He teased, running past me.


"Ha, fat chance. I don't think you've run since that one time a T-Rex chased you for stealing it's egg for breakfast!"

I giggled and watched him dart down the hall.

"YOU HOOLIGAN!" He screamed, running after him.


"Aha," I laughed to myself. "He's spontaneous alright," I bit my lower lip and walked to my next class.

(SO, that's the end of this chapter. I hope you guys liked it. It was meant to be light and fluffy. You'll also get to see the different sides of Louis and Harry, and the interactions between them prior to dating and such. Question of the chapter: What's the most outrageous thing you've done at school? Did you get caught? My friends and I ran up and down the hallways shouting penis at the top of our lungs. And then when a monitor came out, they started chasing us. My friend and I dipped to a gym room and skipped Chemistry class in there. It was the most fun I had ever had. My other friend joined us later. My old school was really small. Only two floors and about 200 kids in it. Sophomores on the second floor and Freshmen on the first floor. The upper classmen were at a different campus. The school had about 15 teachers. So when we did stuff like that, it was hard to run and hide. But we found secret rooms and you could climb into them through chimney doors and stuff.... Oh God how I miss those days)

Happy Reading,


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