Chapter 13 - Court

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Chapter 13

Tasha's pov

It's the day of court and I am super nervous. "Baby are you ready" Nathan asks coming into the bedroom he gives a weak smile "very smart. Now come on we have to drop Rachael with Jorgia" I nod it's good having Jorgia seen as people don't know about her and Jay no one would expect to see her there and she's one of us now so we trust her.

Arriving outside the courthouse was hectic extra security for the lads while Big Kev had been put in charge of getting me through it unharmed "okay you two the lad are inside and waiting" he started Nathan took my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze "be ready Tash I know it's gonna be hard but if it gets to overwhelming give Nath two hand squeezes and he'll tap my shoulder twice and I'll get you both out of there a lot faster okay?" He finished and we both nodded .

Big Kev opened my passenger door and I got and with that paparazzi swarmed around us. Nathan got out I clamped down on his Hand. This was a very bad idea how was I to remain calm and not stress in this situation we barley made it to the steps when I felt one of the twins kick in distress, that was enough to make me squeeze Nath's hand twice and him tapping Kev on the shoulder. Within seconds I was picked up and rushed inside.

"All rise" we did as we was told a middle aged man comes in and takes his seat then motions for us to take our seats "councillor de Luran call you first witness" the judge orders "the defence calls Natasha Sykes to the stand" he bellows my breath gets caught in my throat as I stand. A officer helps me to the stand I catch a glimpse of Chloe who looks bored. I'm given a bible "the evidence I'm about to give shall be the truth and nothing but the truth" I say then take my seat

"Mrs Sykes is it true you are best friends" Mr De Luran asks "yes we were best friends" I reply "were?" He question "she put me and my family on danger all because of a crush" I tell him "tell the court who her crush was or is" he requests "my husband Nathan Sykes" he nods "is it true that you with held evidence from the police " I furrow my eye brows "no" "so you don't count not handing in a recording until you family had been threatened not with holding" I rub my stomach this regaling is starting to piss the three if us off "no because after been given a krypton message say I'll know when it's time slipped my memory" I start shifting the twins I getting distressed "objection your honour the way councillor De Luran I questioning Mrs Sykes is causing her great harm" Jacob protests flipping hell I swear to god the twins are mutants causing this much pain.

"Recess for 15 minutes Mrs Sykes and councillors my office." He brings down the hammer and leaves the officer helps me down then escorts me, Jacob and De Luran to the office. The judge motions me to sit down hands me a glass if water I thank him "now Mr De Luran your questioning in with any other person would be acceptable but in Mrs Sykes' condition you should have been more delicate." He turns to me "Mrs Sykes why is it that the recording wasn't handed in sooner" he asks "forgetfulness it never registered until I wasn't concentrating trust I Handed it in as soon as I remembered" I reply rubbing my tummy he nods "Mrs Sykes you are hear by removed as stand witness your statement will still be used. And if you feel the need to sue my De Luran I will be happy to oblige"

Sorry it's short and crap

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