Chapter 10 - Twit Cam

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Tasha's pov

"hey baby how's the lake house i miss you like crazy" Nathan says "i miss you more its alright but the fact i have no hunky hubby to cuddle up to is taking time to get used to besides Rachael missing her daddy as well" i reply he chuckles "let me speak to her" "okay hang on" i put the phone down on the bed and go get Rachael from the kitchen where she has just been fed ten took her back upstairs "Rachii say hi dada" i coo  putting the phone on speaker "hi princess its dada" she starts wriggling about and smiling "awh she's saying hi by bouncing and smiling" i tell him "oh does my little princess miss her dada" he said in baby voice "well i miss you too" he continues "dada" i drop the phone and turn Rachael "oh my god Nathan!" i squeal picking up the phone "she just said her first words" he pointed out "Rachii say dada" i coo "dada" i start crying "oh my princess hi i miss you. ha take that Tash our Rach is a daddy's girl" i laugh "baby i can't believe that we've just witnessed her first word but i have a hair appointment in half an hour. i'm having my hair cut i will talk to you later i love you" i inform him "i love you more Tashii and you too Princess" he replies "say bye dada" Rach just gurgles we hang up.

i sit down in the chair the hairdressers "hey there i'm Jessie what can we do for you today" she says with a thick American accent "hey i've been mulling over the idea of having a new hairstyle. as you can see it just runs bellow the breast and i fancy it now having it over the should have it above the shoulder you know like Selena Gomez" i reply she nods her head "you know with the length it is its hard to style it can i ask how long you've been thinking on having it that short" she asks "four months" she nods "okay then lets get to work.

i get home two hours later "hey i'm back" i shout "in the living room" Nareesha replies i waddle too where they are just finishing watching a movie my hair is covered my a had for effect "hey girlie's" i plop down next to Chelle "hey" they all chorus "Rachael is down for her nap" Chelle tells me "hey why don't we do a twit cam" i suggest Jorgia looks a bit put off "i'mnot sure how would you introduce me to the fans me and Jay arn't offical yet" she worries "true but your my friend and if the ask how we know each other i'll limit the truth i met you through a mutual friend thats all the need to know" i say "okay then"

we text all the boys and tweet that we're doing twit cam in five minutes 

----twit cam----

"Hello TW Fanmily and other loyal fans" i say "hey we have some new faces we'd like to introduce this is our new best friend Jorgia and he little sister Jaylin" Kelsey chirps they wave to the camera "okay two thing do us a awesome favor and go follow @JorgiaJayTW for us and we are gonna do a Q.A so put #AskTWGirls with your question" Chelle tells them.

i get a few texts


dude wtf 

Sykes's Wife

chill all the fans see her is a our best friend your secret is safe chill 


i'm not sure about this 

Sykes's wife 

bird i cn't see you anywhere here and Jorgia is fine with it so if you want Nathan getting on at you for annoying his pregnant wife drop it Jorgia is a big girl and she has a idea of what she's let herself in four drop it.


kk chill i haven't seen the wrath of Nathan in a while and i don't plan on seeing it anytime soon 

Sykes's Wife 


Hubby xxxx

baby watching twit cam with the lads when are you gonna see your new hair lv you xxxxxxx


in a bit Patience is a virtue

i get so caught up i didn't notice the girls getting my attention "TASHA!" my head shoots up "Ya?" they all start laughing "sorry about that. girls the boys are watching this hi to my smokin hot hubby and my five year old brother" i smile my phone goes off again


i'm not a five yr old 


Tom tantrum stomping his foot like a toddler not getting candy

i laugh "okay so Tom just said he is not a five year old but Maxy says different and i quote 'Tom tantrum stomping his foot like a toddler not getting candy' Kels you must be so proud" i mock we all laugh

Siva the Diva 

(link) Tom tantrum 

i crack out laughing and show the others "sorry Tom but what the hell" Nareesha says "please n we do #asktwgirls" Jaylin pipes up we all nod out head 

q1:what is with Nathan's tweets about your new hair

Tasha A- well i had been thinking about a new hair style which i now have (take of the hat) yep its really short and i love it.

q2: is it true your having twins?

Tasha A- yeah it is 

q3: Kelsey when are you and Tom getting married 

Kels A- i have no idea (shocked)

q4: can any of you guys sing 

Tasha and Jorgia A- we can

q5 will you sing for us

"Jorgia do you know Cover Drive Explode?" i ask her "yeah its one of my favorite tunes at the moment" 

me and Jorgia start singing

picture of Tasha's new hair cut and Cover Drive ft Dappy - Explode 

Like a Rocket to the sky (Book 3 in the Tasha & Nathan Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora