Pitch's POV-

   I wake her up, she's squeezing the pillow really tight and her eyes are screwed shut. As soon as I wake her, she jolts up and our forheads collide. That kind of hurt, I rub it for a moment and she smiles at me. I'm not completely sure if her smile is real or fake but I smile back.

   "You ok?" I ask her, worried, very worried. I don't know why she was like that in her sleep, there was no sand over her so I'm not sure if she was dreaming, having a nightmare, or something else. She nods her head and some relief floods over me. "Did you have a dream or nightmare?" I ask her, I'm trying to be gentil, she just woke up. She looks at her hands.

   "I don't know." She says, hushed like as if she's scared to admit it. She seems nervous and my thoughts of her dream-ish-nightmare-ish thing are running wild. I want to know what it was but I don't want her to have to relive it, reimagine it.

   "Ok." I tell her, knowing she's being honest and not wanting to push her. Whrn she stands up, my worry grows. She's going somewhere and I fear it has something to do with her dream-ish-nightmare-ish thing. "Where are you going?" I ask her, hoping she tells me the truth so my worry can ease a little.

   "To find Kevin, want to come with me?" She says, or asks. This doesn't ease my worry at all, it fuels it, a lot. I tense, why does she want to find him? Was he in her dream-ish-nightmare-ish thing? I won't let her near him, ever. I won't loose her.

   "You aren't going near him." I tell her, more of demand her really. My voice is deep as I say it, controling. I don't want her to get hurt, I'm just protecting her.

   "Yes, I am." She says, her voice stern, emotionless and she turns and starts to walk away. I have to stop her. I grab her wrist and pull her back. I bring her close, really close and hug her. I hug her tight, not letting her go. I feel her hide her face in my chest and I loosen up, thinking that she might stay in  my arms. She doesn't, she pulls back and crystals immediately start surrounding her. I grab her wrist, I know I can't stop her but I'm at least coming with her, to protect her. 

   We're in that part of the woods again, the part that I found Fiona being choked by Kevin. That still angers  me but I hide it, knowing Fiona will ask questions.

   "Kevin!" Fiona yells, a little impatient and very angry. "I know you're out there." Fiona says, her voice normal but stern, emotionless. After she says that, he appears. He's smirking, as usual and my fists tighten at my sides. He better not pull any funny business.

   "Ah, Fiona, dear. Have you come for your kiss, my evil little princess?" He says, looking at me instead. Fiona's hands are now in tight fists at her sides but she glances back at me, saddness and worry in her eyes. She isn't, she wouldn't do that. My fists relax, I'm no longer angry. I'm sad, worried, I don't want her to leave me. She looks back to Kevin, anger back in her features.

   "You know darn well I would never kiss you." She says, the disgust in her voice is clear. Relief runs over me, through me. Now Kevin has anger in his features, his face is stern and angry. He quickly changes it as he walks towards Fiona. We both stiffen, I want to move in front of her but I know Fiona wouldn't like that at all. He's in front of her now, close, too close.

   "Oh really? You didn't pull away during my visit while you slept, remember?" He says, smirking deviously. He visited her, when she was asleep. Wait, he... Kissed her?

   "That was not a visit, you interupted a perfectly good dream. I tried to pull away but you wouldn't let me." Fiona says, her stare growing more deathly by the second.

   "Dream? You know, that would have never came if it wasn't for me." He says but he leans in and whispers something into her ear. Fiona's eyes widen and she looks back to me, what did he say? Fiona moves to stand directly in front of me, her stance is protective.

The Girl Behind A Mask (Pitch Black Love Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя