Bill Williamson: Coincidence

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"...working" the man muttered, making you smile a little.

"Great, so you understand. Now, get off of me" you demanded and attempted to push him away again.

"You gonna kill him?" the man asked as he stepped away from you, giving you some space.

"If he hasn't already left" you mumbled as you straightened out your dress. "Why do you care?" you asked blankly, not taking your eyes off of him.

"I don't" the man shrugged. "What did he do to you?" he asked, wondering why you wanted to kill him.

"To me? Nothing, but that doesn't mean he hasn't hurt good people" you shrugged. "Now, you didn't see me. Got it?" you asked, pretty confident that he wasn't going to go to the law or security.

"I dunno, I'm sure there will be a pretty decent reward if I help the law bring in the woman who killed that guy" he hummed, clearly threatening to go to the police.

"Careful, I don't take too kindly to threats" you warned him, but he just smirked. "Run along, the fireworks are about to start" you told him before turning and walking away, getting back to work.

Bill just watched you walk away until you disappeared out of sight, hearing the fireworks exploding behind him. He pushed all thoughts of you to the back of his mind before returning to the party, he had work to do as well.


Bill sat in the saloon at the bar, a bottle of beer in his hands. The saloon wasn't too busy, there were a few people sitting at the tables and three other men sitting at the bar. Two of the men were sitting together on the far end of the bar while the other man sat two seats away from Bill.

You stepped into the saloon, gently closing the door behind you as you glanced around. You couldn't help but smirk when you saw the man from the party sitting at the bar two seats away from your target. Well, that's just perfect.

You casually walked over to them and sat down on the bar-stool between them both, not even glancing at your target.

"Fancy seeing you again" you smirked at the familiar man.

"God damn, did you follow me here or something?" the man from the party asked, groaning before taking a sip from his drink.

"Not at all, life just has a funny way of working I suppose" you shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess" he huffed, noticing that you hadn't ordered a drink for yourself.

Bill glanced at you a few times, taking in your appearance. You were wearing dark clothing, pants and a shirt with a jacket that had a hood on it, it was definitely a change from the dress that you wore to the party. Bill guessed that this was how you normally dressed.

You also took in his appearance, which was also very different than what he was wearing to the party. He was wearing some worn out grey pants, a plaid shirt with the top few buttons open, and a hat.

"This is a different look from the party" you commented, gesturing to his attire. "It seems that I was right about you" you pointed out, smiling slightly.

"Is that so?" the man asked, seemingly disinterested.

"It is" you nodded, letting a moment of silence go by before you spoke again. "What's your name anyway?" you asked, genuinely wanting to know.

"Why do you wanna know?" he asked gruffly, you could tell that he was getting a little defensive.

"Calm down, cowboy. I don't mean no harm, I'm just making conversation" you assured him.

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